Lucid Memetics - Part II


I think the over/mis/use of le makes it more lolz.

anyway. more memes for you.

I know it’s annoying!


Not saying…


Nice one :tongue: when will the comic with me in arrive?

Lol, nice one Tggtt

Top page WIN!

Ghostie made me make a comic in the hard way :grrr:

Ghostie got what he wanted.


Ghostie can’t accept loss, but you can!


This screams meme :grin:

what video am I talking about? This one ofcourse

Haha, while showing me one of the comics in IRC you sneaked in another meme, you clever bastard :tongue: but both were hilarious, thanks Tgggtt :grin:

Why C?


Next time…


.> Yes, it’s quite annoying when it happens. And I kick myself for the missed (and obvious) DS.

… Yeah.

Thanks for joining us!

I must admit I’m surprised…


Haha, nice meme you made, it is indeed annoying when an obvious DS is missed :tongue:

Tggtt, nice countermeme, I have to admit that I was surprised as well to see a meme from her :tongue:

Edit: Just to give Tggtt another OGOM-moment :tongue:

le Ghost trying to make his own comic:

DC Liar

Happened to me once, mattias, and I never asked this a DC again :lol:
Really nice ones here, by the way :happy:

More cereal is spilled!

And that’s nice mattias, I see you have trouble with your DCs :tongue:


No DCs? Good!


No Lucidity


See this!


More Ac for you!


Nd is rare!


That happens frequently!


Bad, Bad Technique


No more RCs!


ARGH, just noticed my typo there :rofl:

your = you’re :bored:

You can edit it if you want.

If the URL keeps the same, you don’t even need to tell me. (To update the first post of the thread[size=0] — as if a global mod needed to ask me LOL[/size])

Haha, nice Memeflood you did Tggtt :tongue: even though more cereal spilled was a bit predicted there :wink: I thought more of a :woah: that I made one :tongue:

WILD from wide wake: You are doing it right!


Everyone is a winner!


well, this one has a story behind it xD

you see, i have a clock that has broken lately and isn’t working anymore. so it just stands there, turned off. this morning, i had a FA… and i saw that clock working just fine. it was showing 12:12 (not changing, now blinking…)… so i thought… this clock should be either off or not working :happy: who turned it on? why isn’t it blinking…? (the way it broke it kept showing the time wrong and blinking)… and it’s how i became lucid.
so the idea is that everyone seems to become lucid by broken clocks, i became lucid because my clock wasn’t broken :happy: cause otherwise it’s just too mainstream xD

oh yeah. thanks to Wyvern for presenting me the idea of making a meme about it :smile:

Double top page win!

The Quest is Over!!
(This happened to me last night)


OmkAR asked to post his meme:
Sleep Paralysis

why didn’t Om post himself?

anyway, i’ve made another one. it’s precisely what happened to me tonight, and Tggtt aptly described it as “epic fail” :rofl: