lucid mp3 track freaturing crystal singing bowls

your post is interesting and the truth as far as i can see it but the most important thing i can ask to this statement is :

which way is a more rewarding way to live life ? it might be entirely depending upon the individuals,
if you believe in the spirit, you can have a sense of wonder and awe, and deeply appreciate what you experience,

if you think it is science you might be bored with it and not care,
and it might be the same the other way around :yinyang:
Eistein believed something like “science with god is lame” ( lame meaning, impotent, and god meaning wonder, etc )

the best way to look at it is, if you practice something that links you to what mos people call spirit, even if you think of it in a logical way , you will have blissfulness and joy, even if you think of it differently , you will have it, because there are so many ways for the being to become full of bliss, love, and higher awareness,

, the TIbetans used the bowls for mystical purposes and told people they were for decoration because they were talking to people that didn’t understand ,

the reason the bowls are created is because they a personificatino of the sound of creatino, OM,
they come in with a loud AHHHHH,
they fade into MMMM
and the silence causes the mind to become in a relaxed state of awareness,

deep meditation
you could call it hypnosis,
we resonate with the sounds and they bring us to peace in a way that not listening to them wouldn’t,

furthermore the bowls in this track are made out of crystals , and are not himalayan or tibetan

when you play a singing bowl long enough you learn how to spiral out of your body , it entrains the right frequencies, the right consciousness, the right reactions , the right brain state, whatever u choose to call it

think about the TIbetans chanting OMMMMMM they are going to a different reality than here, they that is why they chant, why the aborginals use a digeridoo , they are going out of b0dy , through the use of sound,

the brainwaves ,
are too elaborate to cover here,
brainwaves are a way of explaining states of mind ,

just as electricity is a force , just like different foods have different qualities, so is everything , and it happens that crystals have different effects upon our being-ness, and that is the best way to call it , as it is multi-faceted

what we pay attention to overtime , we become more aware of, and more immersed in ,
the aboriginals literally go into the dream world while wide awake, through the digeridoo,

if you understand that people don’t believe that dreams are real, or think lucidity is impossible, then you can understand how little we know , unless we choose to explore it,

someone who thinks lds are impossible will have their minds blown if they have a good one spontaneously and it will change everything, they are not RIGHT in doubting the people that can easily have them and report their experiences, the lucid dreamers are not lying, rather the “others” are in denial and very stubborn if such people actually exist,

if you try to get at why they don’t care about lucidity its cus they desire to have experiences , that are different than the ones we desire, so its not occurring to them to try , so, they are essentially, impotent, in regards to lucidity, and have no right to make declarations as to lucidity’s existence, as they are not experts,

making sense is it ?

  1. no one should do what they don’t want to , that is like religions converting people en masse , or grumpy skeptics doubting things when they could mind their own business

  2. BUT , there should be open exchange of information and learning for all who are interested
    -----------meaning, these things are real, if you are not interested it is fine, if you are, you will come to learn, progressively, until it makes sense and you come to perceive that these bowls do have an energetic effect on your chakras, whatever you want to call them, they are not JUST nerve plexuses and glands that is the circuitry for energy to run through ,
    -------------------- Q : how did the Hindus without scientific instruments know where all these nerves were to such an amazing level that it is equal to if not greater than our understandings, right now ? because the yogis charted all of our subtle energy currents, nerves, etc, and grouped them into function , relating to psychology, and taught us how to stimulate them ? i.e. , want to see auras, do fish pose an hour a day , it will open the third eye, want to cure asthma ? do this ? want to cure allergies, do that? they knew these things because they can look at your body and see the inside of it like superman it is a very common thing when you tune yourself up to it

its our evolution it is both scientific and spiritual :yinyang:

does this make sense ? i don’t want anyone to agree or disagree i want to explain

you can think about someone and see their mind, you can think about a planet and its energy will stream into you
you can think about a plant and its medicinal properties will flow into you, when your mind is open sufficiently,

here is an exercise : hopefully not in futility :smile: :wink:
if you have a crystal, not a rock , though they have vibrations i am sure, … dot dot dot …

take it, rub it between your hands vigorously, like how you would twirl sticks to try to start a fire,
then just sit and be still, if you do this often it will start to influence you and you will feel its effect, for instance, rose quartz will make you eel incredible love, fo me its often painful as it heals any barriers we put up to being a nurturing loving god/godless to all that is, it makes you gentle and it will make you appealing to the opposite sex romantically , but to get it to work a miracle for you you would need to spend time with and play with it, and handle it in this way

i guess i am not saying you SHOULD do this, i am saying that you can if you want to learn about it , it will be subtle at first , yes

I would just like to point out tht I do in fact believe in the spirit, i just don’t think OBE’s are actually your spirit leaving the body