Lucid music files

I was wondering about music played after WBTB. I know this depends on the person, have you found it possible to fall asleep while it’s playing. While you keep hearing it looping when your dreaming you find it annoying after awhile or once your lucid can you block it out? What sucess have you had with it. where can i find files?

sorry that was alot of questions :tongue: if there is a comprehensive-like thread on this plz post the link. Really appreciate the help.

I once WILD’ed with a induction file on and the MP3 player changed to music , you can hear it when you sleep , but soon can jsut “hear away” so to say …

I have slept through entire nights listening rock without it ever waking me up…
and don’t recall anything about the music in those dreams (or the dreams themselves)

well, there is a program called i-doser. it changes your binaural brain waves using tones and frequencies, often used to induce states similar to those of narcotics. There is a dose that is said to induce lucid dreams. there are also doses to induce OBEs and “godlike” experiences.

you can buy the off the site, (i think an individual dose is $3.75, amaricano) or you can download a torrent. they usually come in .drg files, but there are mp3 files, and there are ways to convert it to .wav so you can play it on an mp3 player.

you may want to read up on i-doser to find out how to do it properly, and also you may want to see people’s reactions on you-tube if you wanted to try any of the narcotics (no damaging side effects other then temporary imparement) or the “hand of god dose”… some reactions are quite scary…

i use i-doser myself (havent had the opportunity to try LD yet), and it works for me, and once i can get the LD file, ill report back :slight_smile:

Yea Binaural tones sounds interesting
Can someone plz link to where to find files that are not expired,
or a freeware binaural program thnx.

Search about on there for files that people have made themselves specifically for LDing :thumbs:

thnx! now I listen while falling asleep right?

Yeah, although make sure your headphones are comfortable (if that’s how you’re going to listen to them).

what is a good design of headphone for laying on your back while listening? I have been taping earbuds to my ears so that they won’t fall out they still do sometimes.

“LD mp3s” keep me awake. D: