Lucid Nightmares

\i used to kill myself in dreams all the time it was fun and usually woke me up, i usually jumped off a building or something thats how i got away from bad guys lol :tongue:

rofl kill your self

I just usually get sexual pleasure :eek: buuutt I’m planning to do something else differently like. . . . meet my CALD character(s)!

my friend told me about a lucid nightmare she had
she was being chased by a zombie that was trying to eat her brains
and then she thought “wait its only a ream”
she became lucid
and tackled the zombie to the ground
the zombie would not give up
so she just straddled the zombie and started stroking it, saying out loud “ITS THE ONLY WAY! WE MUST PLEASURE HIM”
now THATs the way to face your fears whilst lucid!