A few years ago I had two dreams, which now I think may be lucid dreams. I have VERY good dream recall (I can remember every dream I have in great detail) which I think may have contributed to it…
Dream 1:
Before the dream I had gone to sleep in my grandmas bed because I was sick. In the dream I woke up in the bed and went through a dream sequence. Then suddenly, I woke up in the bed again, and went through yet another dream sequence. I woke up yet again and this time I went to my sister and told her about how I was having a dream where I kept waking up in it. I told her to pinch me to tell me if I was dreaming, and it hurt so I assumed it was real life. Then I woke up for real.
Dream 2:
I was having a nightmare about how I was walking down the street and suddenly a deflated blimp lands right in front of me. I look up in the sky and see a UFO. The UFO lands and in the dream I think to myself “I’m having a nightmare” and I begin forcing myself to wake up. I ended up waking myself up before the door of the UFO opened, revealing the creatures inside.
Also, another question… What are those little “mini-dreams” I get where I suddenly like fall or something and I wake up with a jolt?
Hey, I’m sort of new at this, but here’s some stuff I have learned. As for the dreams, I don’t think they were lucid. In the first, you didn’t seem to be aware that you were dreaming, and in the second you may have been pre-lucid, but if your lucid, you usually realize that nothing can hurt you. I have heard that the mini-dreams in which your body gives a twitch is when your (astral) body was temporarily free, and you were mostly asleep, but you were somehow knocked back into consciousness, and the jolt was your two bodies (astral + physical) coming back into one. Hope that was helpful, but you may want to ask someone with a bit more knowlage.
Congradulations on your recall abilities, that will certainly aid you in your future dreams.
I think only dream 2 might have been lucid, and probably quite a low level. You knew you were dreaming because you told yourself that you had a nightmare, and that’s not possible without knowing you are actually asleep.
As for the jolt experience, it might have something to do with astral stuff, but i’d go for the mundane logical explanation that sometimes your body isnt totally paralised when you are asleep, as i have experienced myself at times when i kicked my blankets away when i was playing football or doing other stuff in a dream.