Lucid or not?

Hey, i’ve got a question…

I had a lucid dream (or atleast I THINK i did.) I’m not sure if it was really a lucid dream or not! I don’t know if it was really me controlling. :confused: I’m very confused at this, I didn’t expect to be thinking this. So um, here is the dream:

[i] It started out as a normal dream, I was standing on an angled metal platform,
there was a HUGE train like thing next to me, there were people all around me,
people boarding the train. They were all workers, that were going to help the
train work, and so was I. I began walking around, and saw a girl from my
school. I was surprised that she was working on the train too. I walked around
some more, and kept seeing kids form my school. I boarded the train, and was
now on the roof as it started to move.

A tall kid walked up to me, whom I do not know, and he said somthing here. Then I thought somthing like “Wait, this is my dream I can do what I want!” and I tried to kick him in the stomach, he caught my foot, but I threw him off the train with my foot. ;D I think I was only semi lucid here, I jumped down to the main area of the train, and went inside, it was totally empty. I looked toward the front and there was no driver, I looked toward the back and the rest of the train was GONE! I climbed up to the front of the train and sat in the seat. The first thing I did was pull the chain that sounds the horn. :smile: At some point the train turned into a semi-truck, and I was driving up the street to my house. I had no Idea how to
stop the thing (must not have been fully lucid, or I would have known to use the foot brake) so I thought, “I’m dreaming so It won’t hurt to just crash!” At this I quickly turned to the right and the whole thing tipped over (which looked really cool) I was unharmed, and I jumped out of the truck in front of my house.

The truck was blocking the driveway so I hopped over the fence in front of my house and walked to the front of the house. I immediatly knew the first thing I wanted to do was fly. I tried and quickly fell back down. Then I remembered (for the first time!) To do a reality check! I looked at my hand, asked myself if I was dreaming, and 'lo and behold, I had 6 fingers! Also, there was like, another see through hand on top of my normal hand, that made my hand look very cool. Hard to explain. My lucidity level rose at this point, and I jumped into the air, with my hands out in front of me. I FLEW! I looked at my house, half of it looked under construction, I flew closer to it, and accidently knocked some boards down. So then I flew to my street, and flew half way down the big hill my street forms. I landed here, and started walking for some reason. (must not have been as high a level as lucidity as I had thought) It was kind of dark outside, everything was sort of purpleish (I forgot to look at the sky! >_<) and then I saw a car pull into a drive way down at the bottom of the street. (that driveway is there in real life… but on the other side of the street) I kept walking, focusing on this driveway, when a DC came out on a bike, and started making circles on the driveway. I started running because I wanted to interact with my first DC. There are a bunch of trees in that part of the street, so everything went very dark, I could only make out the faint glimmer of his bike helmet. I asked him somthing, which I can’t remember, and he responded very violently, he approached me, to attack me and I couldn’t see him well so I yelled for it to be daytime, which didn’t work. He grabbed me and shoved me onto the ground,
when all of a sudden a screen popped up, there were little drawings of all the different things he could do to me right now. (none of which were very pretty. o_o) I apperantly had a choice, but I just thought, “Hey, it’s MY dream. I can do whatever I want!” At that the screen went away and I took my fist and put it to his head, and pushed untill I had his head to the pavement and pushed untill his head exploded… (Like i’ve been saying it must have not been THAT high a level of lucidity… I would never have solved the problem like this!) I backed away in a panic from his exploded head. I tried not to look at it, but got a glimpse anyways. It was awful. :sad: I quickly tried to forget about this and walked away, I looked up the street, and everything was that pretty purple hue.

There were black crows flying around, I thought that was really cool, and thought that I should try to catch one. After looking at my hand again, to try to increase my lucidity, I took a running leap (running felt really really neat in the dream, the wind blowing past my body like I was running 100 MPH. ^^) and lifted off, I flew close to the crows and grabbed one. It seemed much much bigger then an actual crow, and it started biting my hand. This didn’t hurt the slightest bit, so I placed the crow on my shoulder. It started to calm down anow, and just sat there. I thought, “Cool! My own dream pet!”. With the crow on my shoulder I started walking up the street, (I didn’t want the crow to fly away if I started flying.) and on the opposite side of the street from me was a very large, very mean looking goat. I said, “niiice huge mean goat thing.” and it grunted and started to walk towards me. I decided to get away from that thing so I flew off, the crow stayed on my shoulder! I decided to test the crows loyalty to me so I did a little spin in the air, it held on the whole time. ^^ Well, at the top of the street in front of my house, the crow randomly dissapeared. :sad: I was looking at my driveway, and the truck was gone, just as I thought that the truck drove UP the driveway, and crashed in the exact same way. I ran upto it and looked inside for a driver, there was nobody. I climbed through the truck to the other side. I thought i’d check out the inside of my house. I went down to the front door and opened it with no problem. The hallway was kind of dark, so I struggled with the light, I flicked it on and off about 7 times, before it worked, and it only barely worked. I went down the hall and looked into my grandma’s room. She was sitting there at her computer, and I told her “Hey grandma, I’m dreaming!”. She thought I was just being silly and started to play along. She started telling me about herself, for some reason, so I decided I should prove it to her. I said, “Count my fingers!” and held my hand forward. She began to count, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5…6! You ARE dreaming!” Then the strangest thing happened, another grandma appeared, but she looked a little different. Her hair was greyer, she was a little bigger, and her clothes were a little darker. The original grandma started to talk to this new grandma. Apperantly she was the older version of my grandma. She was showing her what is going to happen to her in the future. It was very strange. I then woke up at this point.[/i]

I seemed to do some things I don’t think I’d do if I really did have control. Like killing that guy that attacked me. Is there anyway to tell if A dream is really lucid or not? :confused:
:help: :help:

I seemed to do some things I don’t think I’d do if I really did have control. Like killing that guy that attacked me. Is there anyway to tell if A dream is really lucid or not?
Yes. You were lucid…

  • You knew you were dreaming
  • You were able to effect the dream ie dismissing the pop up choices

But just because you are lucid doesn’t mean you will have full control of the dream, there are different levels of lucidity.

:happy: That’s reassuring. I hope I get more of these!

Do you thihnk If I had spun around or rubbed my hands or screamed, “increase lucidity” I would have had more control?

If so I need to work on that.

:cool_laugh: I’m so happy i’m finally having lucid dreams! I found the trick to do it (for me atleast)

:happy: Yay!

Cool dream!!

Lots of weird things happening in it and your recall for detail was AMAZING!

That’s the longest LD you’ve had hey?
It doesn’t matter that you couldn’t control it 100% to your liking. Not everyone can have total control in every LD!

Congrats, Buddy! Woohoo!


Yeah definitely a very nice LD. Congrats! :cool_laugh:

The recall of details is indeed pretty amazing. Good luck with your next LD adventures! :wink: