Lucid physics - Theories and hypothesiseies.

This is related to the lucid labtory experiment. It can be found here, for more information go there.

Basicly you can theorise about it in here.

Yes, as far as we know, the dream state has no rules. Or have we just overlocked higher, more concept based rules. Like…

Yes, it tries to focus on the objects, and the hows of lucid dreaming.

You could make to statments:

  1. Distance is completely random in a lucid dream, however, when measued repeatdley seems to increase/decrease.

  2. When thinking about making distance more accuate/less accuate, you can control the accuarcy of measuring distance.

Thse are only theories, not facts. But you get the idea.

Then prehaps several complex rules are needed for one simple rule, in order to govern the majority of the lucid dreaming population.

Yes. We may even find that dreamrules are controlled by personality (think myers-briggs test) or something. All i’m saying is that dreamrules will be one of the following:

A. changeable with the proper control
B. affected by personality
C. unchangeable

However, next LD i get i’ll try to control by thought and then control by emotion.

first id lik to say i think this experiment idea is a great one. a greater step to it needs to be taken though
im sure comming up with all the physics for this world we live in was no easy task for scientists and yet they still have trouble proving and disproving sum modern day theories, all the quantum physics and light and wut not. these worldly physics they made are very specific and unique to our universe and how it functions normally. what im saying is the lucid or dream world may have the same appearances as our world but its not the same. its like a different universe and thats why i think you are going to get tons of inaccurate results when u try to measure physics in that world using this worlds physics. if u wanna know more about that world it is possible, but it wont be an easy task it may take weeks, months or years there doing stuff. just lik scientists in our world did. u gotta start from scratch. the physics and how we think in this world become irrational in that world and vice versa. it will be no easy task making the transition but i think it can be done. it was done b4 with this world. so heres wut u do. u forget everything u no about these physics. u go in that lucid dream world and u work at it. try to will urself to understand. will urself to have a creative mind there to think of ways to measure physics there. getting lucid is no easy task. i suggest asking sum1 lik pedro who can LD at will and other people who can too to be lik the astronauts and u can be the nerds at the computers. :wink:

firstly tech u said that you seemed stupid in ur post.

i totaly disagree with that, ok, you didnt.

now to my actually responce

You sated b 4 that u wanted to get distance meausered in a ld. now i ask what would the point of this be if it were just a place inside our heads that change but…

here is my real question to you. if the dream world places consitant resluts, does that mean it is really happening inside our heads, or a place where there are rules , ie another plane.

yer off topic but is it?

i will get to testing tonight

why did this topic die, why did the experiment stop???

why did this stop, im wonering if mayb teh likes of garebear and techno dreamer are still working on this experiment and just havnt reached any results.
Seeing that no one has posted anything on this thread in over two years I very much doubt I will ever get a response, but I would like to say that Garebear has a point,its a great idea, and yes,you’re quite right. You cannot use the same rules and physics that apply here in our world to the LD world.
Im not sure that there are any tho. Because this does imply that there is actualy a dreaming world out there which we enter in our sleep, rather than just our imaginations.
But here are some that believe we can share dreams,so…

the reason why this experiment was droped may be due to most dreamer’s tendancy to induldge in everywhich way proper to their own: B. personality.

being faced with a world which they beleive, and wouldnt they much rather believe(?), is only a product of their imagination, their reaction towards it thus remains: C.unchangeable.

unless, driven by freedom, they would engage into self discipline and aquire a certain: A.proper control…over themselves prior to engaging into any true encounter out there,with the unkown. or, as is the case here, trying to unravel its utter mystery.


then a clear view would be at reach, and a world far beyond their imagination would stand still to be witnessed, awake or asleep.

The limits of a dream are created by the limits of your mind.

Well said. i with agree with that.