OK, last name i went lucid. anyways i turned the tv on to see what it was like and it was just messed up. 2 people walking down a grass path inthe middle of no where with arcs over them inhabited by ravens. anyways that freaked me out… i tried to make things appear but just couldnt do it. why couldnt i? another question i had was. i read somewhere that to stay lucid youre sposed to look at your hands periodically. i did this and the only way i can explain what i saw would be like my hands were similar to puddles of water. anyone else have this? and is it possible to master Lucid dreaming? so i can do it everynight?
There is so much info at this forum already!
Start reading
Some people can be lucid everynight…but i heard if you’d do this for a week you’ll end up alittle tired.
Also read up on the forum as Jeff said
Phead2121…i experience now lucid dreaming for more then 18 years…so u could say i know what i am talking about…
And i think its important if i say to u that after u had your first ld your brain and your consciousness will develop through recognision in lucid dreams…and your control will develop to at the same time…
So start experimenting whenever u are having a lucid dream and be a little patient how things will be picked up from there…trial and error
And yes u can ld everry night but if that will be so 4 u in reality…just c how things turn out to be!