I’ve converted your title to lowercase and I moved your topic from the Stuff Dreams are made of to the Lucid Lounge, cause it was not ND-related
The reason that i put this topic up is because im wodering if “PasQuale” can put a rank system for our avatars in which depending on your real skills and experiences you will be ranked.
Newbie- This for the users who are starting this whole thing and don’t know ANYTHING about lucid dreaming,obe’s etc.
Advanced- After being a “Newbie” you rank up to “Advanced” which consists of knowing the basic of everything but haven’t been experienced with LDs or OBE’s yet.
Experienced- Anyone who at least have had one ld or OBE.
Lucid Dreamer- This is for regular lucid dreamers who have at least one ld per night or each 2 nights.
Astral Dreamer- For the ones who have OBEs frequently.
Lucid Master- Ones that have ld’s at will.
ETC/these are only examples of rank that could be put…
So if anyone is interested in putting this system of ranking,
it will be great for all of us…the only con will be how to rank ppl up, remembering that some newbies CAN cheat at this…
The problem is that this ranking cannot be verified, so does it worth to create a sort of hierarchical system just based upon assumptions?
And as you immediatly saw it, it will lead some people to envy others and to cheat, which makes the whole principle even more dubious.
So, I don’t think it’s a great idea.
everyone is free to put whatever they want under their nick in the rank title box in their profile.
plus lots of members put their recent LDs in their signature
It can’t hurt. And it might me somewhat useful info.
An indication of what methods people use or prefer might deserve mention too.
Of course, some bozos will lie about it.
But the same can be said of the all the other info that people post, including age, gender, etc.
I don’t see it being any more of a problem than the monthly LD Competition thread. Maybe less. Won’t the insecure dorks who might feel the need to crow over imaginary and unverifiable fake achievements generally gravitate to the monthly competition?
[color=blue]< edit (last paragraph) (at moderater's request) >[/color]
[color=red]I don't see it being any more of a problem than the monthly LD Competition thread. Maybe less. [u]If there were any[/u] such insecure dorks, who feel the need to crow over imaginary and unverifiable fake achievements, wouldn't they generally give themselves away anyways?[/color]
Hey, Bernard.
I have just received a concerned message from a member of LD4All who happened to notice your post in the "Lucid Ranking" thread. It seems that they've mistaken your final comment as an insult against everybody currently participating in the monthly competition (implying that they're all "insecure dorks"). I'm fairly confident that you were only referring to those particular members who may feel the need to lie about their rate of success, but it can be difficult for some members whose primary language isn't English to properly understand comments such as the one in question.
I'm certainly not accusing you of doing anything wrong, but if some members are misinterpreting one of your comments and this is leading to them being offended by it, then I feel that I should bring it to your attention and kindly request that you consider re-wording the last sentence in your post to be a little easier to understand. Again, I wouldn't trouble you over something trivial like this unless it was evident that other members were not only misinterpreting the comment, but also taking offense to it. You can use this link to jump right into the Edit form of that particular post.
Thank you for understanding.
[color=red][u]To whom it may concern[/u]: I had no intention of accusing the participants in the monthly competition thread of lying or cheating -- in fact, I am actually a (minor) participant myself ! If anyone else happened to mis-interpret my remarks that way, I hope that this sets the record straight.[/color]
[color=blue]< end edit>[/color]