I’ve woken up and heard myself snore before but not quite like this morning. I became lucid well into a dream and was wandering around looking at stuff. I also noticed at about the same time I could hear sounds from the real world and was snoring loudly!
Well this is silly I thought, here I am in the middle of a lucid dream and can hear all the sounds of the real world myself snoring included. This went on for a little while and I woke up. Very distracting trying to lucid dream with loud snoring going on!
No doubt many of you people have done this also but I was wondering, when lucid how many of you have control over real life hearing? 95% of the time when I’m lucid I don’t hear real sounds.
Can any of you control it? Turn it on or off at will when lucid?
From my experience, most sounds that I hear in real life as I’m dreaming somehow merge with the dream itself. If I hear some dog barking early in the morning, then I’ll probably end up seeing a dog in my dream. Now if I was lucid, I could probably create a grenade launcher and blow up the annoying dog, but if the concious mind continues to hear a real sound, it will probably still remain in the dream.
So yea, I usually have trouble controlling real life sounds in dreams. When I wake up, I then realize why I couldn’t control that specific part of the dream.
That’s quite an interesting point. When I was playing around with various forms of external induction, I could usually tell which sounds were created in the dream, and which were intruding from the real world. I guess this is mainly because I already knew what I’d left playing overnight, and could easily identify it within the dream. In the case of the Stephen LaBerge interview, for example, it was immediately obvious (upon becoming lucid) that what I was hearing was the actual recording, playing from the speakers beside my bed. As Trancewave mentioned, it’s hard to stop the external sounds from influencing the dream. To continue the above example, while the interview was playing, Stephen would often appear somewhere as a DC, and follow me around talking about whatever the interview was up to. Occasionally it would be a TV or stereo, but there was still no way to actually stop the sound. Anyway, it’s a small price to pay for reliable induction.
I can totally identify with that. During some WILD sessions I sometimes lay on my back. As I start to become really relaxed I have sometimes been disturbed by snoring. It’s funny but it’s also a major distraction for a WILD, so I usually try WILD in a different sleeping position now.
I’ve also had some LDs where I listen to a radio talk show that is playing on my waking life radio. It’s heard perfectly and word for word, and I’ve verifed this by listening to a recording of the show afterwards.
I think it’s very interesting questioning controlling waking ear sounds from a LD. I’m sure you can alter how the dream incorporates the sounds in the LD, but seems difficult to remove them all together.
I must remeber to experiment more with RL hearing next time I’m lucid.
There was one time when lucid that I’m still puzzled with. I became lucid when a dream was just ending. The next thing I knew I was in a void totally lucid with no images of any sort. I had RL hearing and could hear the usual night noises. And I could hear a clock ticking.
Shortly after I woke up I checked out the sounds which all seemed to be about the same except no clock. Then I walked into another room and there was the clock, ticking away faintly. Funny thing is I couldn’t hear a sign of it from my room! As far as I know I don’t sleep walk.
I suppose I could have just dreamt it. Funny coincidence though.