Lucid Supplements?

I’d like to know about lucid supplements that actually do help. Not herbs and stuff like that. I mean foods that you can most likely buy from a grocery store. Or, what vitamins help (vitamin A, B, C, etc. you get my point).

Please do not answer with I heard somewhere that this helps… or Someone told me that this works…. Answer with foods that you have actually tried, and know that they work. Do not give me a list, either. The most common things that people list are:

-dairy products
-dark chocolate

I need to know EXACTLY what food and if it works.

Thanks! :tongue:

I drink a glass of apple jucie before I go to bed and then I tend to remember at least one dream. On nights I forget or run out of apple juice I tend to not remember any dreams. However I think this is not due to the food but to the mind. If I have it I tend to believe I will remember Dreams, However If I run out and don’t have any my mind tends to think I wont remember dreams as well and however much I try to overcome that it still is still a nigling thought in my mind so subconiously my mind decides not to remember dreams.
There is no magic lucid dreaming fruit its all in the mind. (cue creepy mucsic)
Hope that helps.

A glass or two of milk before bed has always helped my recall out. Eating fig newtons before bed did also seem to increase the likelyhood of LD’s for me, but I don’t buy them often enough to know for sure. In fact, my first major LD, posted in my journal, happened on a night when I had been eating them…

I’ve heard spicy or flavourful food helps. Is that true?

By the way, last night I ate mustard (it was disgusting) and had no lucid dreams and the same dream recall. It didn’t help much.

Just a thought… If a ‘lucid food’ is eaten during WBTB, will that work as well, better, or worse?

Ate a handful of some of the spiciest things in my house and had terrible recall.

I also forgot to write what was rest down in my DJ because I was too busy to go on LD4all and check WG. :tongue:

… I remember now.

My regiment to induce strong dreams is:

9mg Melatonin
500mg 5-HTP
And lots of B-6 and B-12. (Don’t remember exact doseage, but the daily value ranges were around 1600% for B-6 and 20000%(yes, twenty thousand percent) for B-12)

I know it’s not exactly what you wanted, but it’s hell on wheels for absolutely lifelike dreams.

When I eat a bowl of chile and a few jalapeno peppers just before bedtime
I always remember my dreams. Hope that helps. :wink:

Vitamin D from the Sun on my skin!

Usually I can only do this in the Middle of spring and the summer time as the Sun comes up so early.

Obviously for it to work to become lucid, it is done during a WBTB method.

I wake and get dressed to go outside. Go for a walk for about 10-25 minutes, take at least one whole minute to stare straight at the Sun (with Eyes CLOSED of Course!) right before I head back in, put my pajamas back on and get back to bed.
If I don’t become lucid, I at least have incredibly vivid and remembered dreams.

I’m going to do this right now as I am on a very late WBTB !

I’m trying to start having lucid dreams and I was wondering if there’s any food that will help you start lucid dreaming? I heard lettuce does. What else?

Merged from similar topic in General Lucidness. :dragon:

I’ve heard that milk with honey is good for having more vivid dreams and achieving lucidity. I just recently starting giving this a try and I must say that so far my dreams have become more vivid and I have a less of a hard time trying to remember them when I wake up the next morning, you should give milk & honey a try!

Bananas and Chicken contains Vitamin B6 that’s supposed to help increase your dream recall.

I can vouch for Paprika in an evening meal for recall. I have personally had at least 30 occasions where this has caused extra-vivid dreams and recall (though not LDs) in the last couple of years. Doesn’t seem to happen for me with any other spice. I get a pressure and tightness\coldness across the bridge of my nose and up over my third eye about half an hour after eating a meal laced with hot paprika.

I discovered this before ever learning about the anime movie of the same name which is reviewed over in the movies section.

Wikipedia used to have a small paragraph on some ritual uses of paprika in certain south american cucltures but it looks like it got edited out. It does however say that it is high in vitamin C which is often suggested as making dreams more vivid and aiding recall.