Lucid Tea

Here is a tea of my own creation that im testing to see if it will make you lucid… Im already feeling weird and drowsy… almost high from drinking it.


  1. Bay leaves

  2. Mint teabags

  3. Sage (Optional/Flavor)

  4. Boil enough water for 2-3 mug fulls of tea.

  5. grind up the Bay Leaves and put them in a steeper (You can buy a metal steeper that you can put herbs in loosely and let it steep through a metal grate)

  6. If you have sage leaves, grind them put them into the same steeper. (I have sage i bought in a bottle. You can get this at your local grocery store)

  7. Get two mugs, pour both mugs with boiling water.

  8. Put the steeper filled with bay and sage into one mug

  9. Put the mint tea bag into the other mug .

  10. Let both steep for about 15 minutes

  11. Pour both mugs into a large glass

Drink and enjoy! Tastes great! Gets you into this hypnotic trance…

Here are some facts behind it:
Bay leaves also played an important part in the Temple at Delphi, dedicated to Apollo. Before delivering their prophecies, the priestesses would eat whole bay leaves. Since they are mildly narcotic, this might have helped induce the trance states. Even the roof of the temple was thatched with boughs of bay leaves. This not only served as a sunscreen but was believed to protect against lightening, disease, and evil spirits. Historically Bay leaves were used in infusions to aid in digestive disorders, and were applied to injured areas to ease sprains.

found at: … ayleaf.htm
(Thank you clarkkent for the information)

And of course mint is supposed to help you with dream recall… This is a wonderful tea! I feel the effects already… been 20 minutes since ive had the tea.

Im also mixing this with 6mg melatonin, 1gram Valerian root, and 500mg gotu kola.

I would love to see other people try this tea as there is actual fact behind it! Tell me what you think about it.

I must report that I feel simply different. It is now the next morning and I feel as if I am a different person. The only way I’ve been able to explain it to myself is with a simple analogy. My entire life my brain has been working in one language. For ease, I will just name this language English. Something happened that converted my mind to French. Everything i think about and see still has the same solid idea behind it- My mind is just now explaining it to me more gracefully and beautifully. Colors are the same, yet they have a new beauty to them. It is as if I have become un-jaded to everything in the world like a child exploring something new. I am unsure if it is the tea or if it is just a mere coincidence- or even yet hormonal imbalances due to being a teenager. However, it’s no matter to me for I am not taking it for granted.

I would advise someone to try this tea and please report to me how they feel.

Hmm. Anyone else try this out? Not sure why a tea wo uld do this to you,placebo perhaps?

no don’t say placebo, then it won’t work for me,

I’m going to try this right now! Great idea! Props dog!

Yeah for legal drugs!!!

sorry to double post, but i tryed this technique last night, tasted good vivid dreams but no lucidity, could be that i’m a noob and have never had one who noes.

anyway i added about a teaspoon of honey which sweetened it, also i’ve heard that honey has good LD effects


Hmm … interesting formula! I’ll have to try that.

You might want to consider adding mugwort (artemesia vulgaris) or yin chen hao (artemesia capillaris) to your mixture.

Mugwort (available at health food shops) has been used in “dream sachets” that you put under a pillow to enhance dreaming. I can personally vouch for the slightly “trippy” effects of yin chen hao. It’s available from several e-tailers. It hasn’t ever led to a lucid dream when I’ve drunk it as tea, but it is VERY relaxing and could potentiate dreaming.

As always, please educate yourself about any herb/supplement/vitamin/etc. you are thinking of ingesting.

I tried it, and it really didn’t do anything for me. No hypnotic trance, no drowsiness. Nothing :bored: Did anyone else get good results with this tea? It tasted good though.

I’ve been trying for lucid dreams for about a year, and never had one in my life. I just made a tea, using - fresh, homegrown bay leaves, mint, and rosemary, and about 1/2 a leaf of dried homegrown salvia. I have about 3 cups, and I took 2000mg VC 30 min ago. I’ll update tommorow.

Just FYI on salvia. Half a leaf does not have much active ingredient at all, and the active ingredient gets destroyed in the stomach. To gain effects from salvia, it has to be smoked or held in the mouth (quid or extract method) for awhile.