Didn’t really know where to put this, I hope this is the right spot.
There was a hypnotist at my school the other day, for fundraising reasons. Anyway, he managed to hypnotise about 14 kids and 3 adults, and he got them to act out really hilarious things.
However, now I’m thinking. The hypnotist stated in the beginning that those being hypnotized feel like they’ve just had a nice nap.
What if a lucid dreamer was hypnotized by a hypnotist. Would the lucid dreamer “wake up” from the hypnotized state? If so, what would happen exactly?
I’m quite curious as to what would happen. Any input from you guys?
Someone here had a theory on it lately here, I forgot who it was though. It was about hypnotising and lucidity, if you use the search option you should find it.
That wasn’t exactly the subject matter; it was about how hypnotizability might relate to the usefulness of RCs.
I don’t think they would. Firstly, they have to want to be hypnotised and to co-operate with the hypnotist. Lucidity would be against the orders of relaxing, focusing, listening to the hypnotist, imagining a certain situation (of being an animal!), etc. Actually, once somebody is hypnotised, requiring their consent is practically a non-issue. There have been some cases where hypnotists have abused their skills to, eg, grope. (Relying on the semi-tabloid paper “METRO” (in the UK) about this.)
Yes, they will feel more or less like they have had a nap. My practices with self-hypnosis are extremely relaxing, and although obviously I don’t actually fall to sleep, I feel close and I am rarely able to guess how much time I spent repeating my mantras.
No. An LDer can be hypnotised if they are willing to be. A non-LDer cannot be hypnotised if they are unwilling. (Films and books tend to usefully “forget” this!)