Lucid While Hypnotized

Didn’t really know where to put this, I hope this is the right spot.

There was a hypnotist at my school the other day, for fundraising reasons. Anyway, he managed to hypnotise about 14 kids and 3 adults, and he got them to act out really hilarious things.

However, now I’m thinking. The hypnotist stated in the beginning that those being hypnotized feel like they’ve just had a nice nap.

What if a lucid dreamer was hypnotized by a hypnotist. Would the lucid dreamer “wake up” from the hypnotized state? If so, what would happen exactly?

I’m quite curious as to what would happen. Any input from you guys?


I dont really think a lDer can be hypnotized, because of the awareness he maintains in certain altared states.

…By the way, I love the Simpsons. Homer is my favorite Simpson.

mmm, me too (frink, and lionel hutz are my favourite characters)

Someone here had a theory on it lately here, I forgot who it was though. It was about hypnotising and lucidity, if you use the search option you should find it.

That was me, and a long time ago. It’s in Theory.

That wasn’t exactly the subject matter; it was about how hypnotizability might relate to the usefulness of RCs.

I don’t think they would. Firstly, they have to want to be hypnotised and to co-operate with the hypnotist. Lucidity would be against the orders of relaxing, focusing, listening to the hypnotist, imagining a certain situation (of being an animal!), etc. Actually, once somebody is hypnotised, requiring their consent is practically a non-issue. There have been some cases where hypnotists have abused their skills to, eg, grope. (Relying on the semi-tabloid paper “METRO” (in the UK) about this.)

Yes, they will feel more or less like they have had a nap. My practices with self-hypnosis are extremely relaxing, and although obviously I don’t actually fall to sleep, I feel close and I am rarely able to guess how much time I spent repeating my mantras.

No. An LDer can be hypnotised if they are willing to be. A non-LDer cannot be hypnotised if they are unwilling. (Films and books tend to usefully “forget” this!)

You can learn more on hypnotism at this Wikipedia article.