I was thinking about how alot of methods really only give one chance a night to go lucid.usually the method requires 6 hours of sleep then another 2 after being awake. I was thinking of getting up every 2 hours and trying whatever methods you like throughout the night. i tried it once but kept losing concentration and dozing off.
i suppose that would work quite good…both because you got alot of chanses and also because you’re likely to think about trying to LD in your dreams eventually (because you keep focusing your mind for LD:ing)…
allthough you don’t get that much sleep so that’s the drawback…
I think this works, but not if you’ve got to get up for school early in the morning. If you can get up some hours later than you would usually in the morning (teacher sick or something) but go to bed at your normal time, this should be effective
You’ll be very tired in the morning… but if you can lay in late, try it .