For the past three days, I have been experiencing an odd theme within my dreams.
I become lucid in my dreams, yet as soon as I become lucid, I feel attachment to my physical body. I try to ignore the physical, and ground myself within the dream, which eventually fails, and I end up back in my bed.
However, I am not truly sure anymore if I am really awake during these moments.
I seem to no longer have full dreams, but fragments of dreams, from which I “awake” from. But I am not awake. I have simply transferred myself into my bedroom in the dream world.
This confuses me, as I carry on with my regular routine of stretching, making coffee, and writing in my dream journal. Then I wake up, in my bed.
I curse myself for not realizing I was dreaming in my natural environment, and again carry on with my morning activities. Then I wake up again.
Last afternoon I had 12 of these occurrences. Last night, I had around 25 of them.
I wonder, why have my dreams turned to false awakenings? Why can I not become lucid in these instances? I do reality tests, but everything seems normal.
While pondering what might be causing these odd fluctuations in my dream life, I realize that I have been listening to binaural beats before I sleep.
These are tones that temporarily alter your natural brain frequencies, settling you into various trance states.
Perhaps this is the reason for my spiral of false awakening? I will post more as I uncover this curious situation. In the meantime, I would appreciate any comments or suggestions, or any common experiences shared.