Lucidity, and the spiral of false awakening

For the past three days, I have been experiencing an odd theme within my dreams.

I become lucid in my dreams, yet as soon as I become lucid, I feel attachment to my physical body. I try to ignore the physical, and ground myself within the dream, which eventually fails, and I end up back in my bed.

However, I am not truly sure anymore if I am really awake during these moments.

I seem to no longer have full dreams, but fragments of dreams, from which I “awake” from. But I am not awake. I have simply transferred myself into my bedroom in the dream world.

This confuses me, as I carry on with my regular routine of stretching, making coffee, and writing in my dream journal. Then I wake up, in my bed.

I curse myself for not realizing I was dreaming in my natural environment, and again carry on with my morning activities. Then I wake up again.

Last afternoon I had 12 of these occurrences. Last night, I had around 25 of them.

I wonder, why have my dreams turned to false awakenings? Why can I not become lucid in these instances? I do reality tests, but everything seems normal.

While pondering what might be causing these odd fluctuations in my dream life, I realize that I have been listening to binaural beats before I sleep.

These are tones that temporarily alter your natural brain frequencies, settling you into various trance states.

Perhaps this is the reason for my spiral of false awakening? I will post more as I uncover this curious situation. In the meantime, I would appreciate any comments or suggestions, or any common experiences shared.

That sounds annoying…

You should make a lot of messages and stick them everywhere in your house.
So if you can read the message on your bedroom door “You are dreaming.” ,do a RC ,and check twice the message.

that’s an idea.

What kind of rc’s are you using? It sounds like you just need to work on your RCs to exploit this FA loop. 25 in one night is a lot though, my record is only about 4, which already got me pretty confused, lol

I have painted nails, and I check to make sure they are the right colors, and not faded. I also survey my surroundings intently.

Have you tried the breathing through a pinched nose RC?

Well my friend, you have helped me somewhat break the cycle of false awakening! I tried the nose RC during one of the FA, and became lucid. I however woke up right after that. I may have grabbed my nose in waking life…

I became lucid again that night after noticing my reality bracelet (Bracelet I use as a RC) was black, and larger, with a white stripe through the middle. They are purple stones in waking life. My hand glowed when I picked them up, and I became lucid.

Hope to see further progress soon!

That’s good news. FA’s can be a great tool to become lucid, so it’s good that you see it as something positive.

Reality bracelet…

Looks nice! Good idea.

Faraday is now afk “Looking for reality bracelet”