I’m getting really close to becoming lucid. I want to know if my experience are similar to some of yours on your quest for lucidity. I’ve been recording my dreams everyday and the vividness and realism of them has increased dramatically and i’m able to recall a lot of detail. I’m doing RC’s during the day. I’n my dreams, I have been having a lot of false awakenings and i’ve been performing reality checks that tell me that my reality is waking life and not a dream. Or perhaps i should say that i’m unable to recognize the reality as a dream because even though i perform a RC I accept the outcome of the RC as a mistake or convince my self subconsciously that i really am awak in waking life. In my dream this morning i had a false awaking that i woke up in my room and my mother was in there watching a movie (which i recognized by the way through a flase memory) after waking up i stood up next to my bed put my hands in the air and tried to fly. My mom asked what i was doing. I then replied, “I’m seeing if I’m dreaming. I know I’m not dreaming right now, but if this was a dream i would be able to fly” she then just continued to watch TV. So with this dream i made a statement that i was convinced i was in waking life doing an RC. In other dreams i talk a lot about RC’s and lucidity as if I’m teaching people about it but i fail to recognize that i’m inside of a dream. Also i’ve been feeling tired inside of my dreams. What does this mean? This feeling “tired” in the dream? I was thinking that the feeling tired means that the wakefulness, the alertness of lucidity is just around the corner. Another interesting thought about the dream i mentioned I recall after i was doing my RC of trying to fly and my mom was there watching tv i opened up my bedroom window and looked outside at night sky with the sun peeking over the horizon as say thousands of stars. I Remember i was looking for something. and i was actually looking for my lucidity out in the night sky as if it was a tangible object. I think my RCs arent working correctly either because of my expectations. In the ND we expect gravity to be there and it is there, it exists because we expect it to be there. I think when i do RCs during the day i need to put a lot more thought into the RC instead of just standing up right now and trying to fly, I need to think “What would it be like if i really did start floating? How would that make me feel? Gravity is here now and its working but it may not work at another time.” What do you guys think. What thoughts are going through your head when you perform your RC’s ?
Sounds a lot like the stage I’m currently in, although I’m not finding myself doing RC’s in my dreams yet. I’m getting a lot of FA’s, including writing in my dream journal in dream, but I only seem to remember to do the RC after real awakening and not in my dream.
About your reality checks. It seems that you have been programming your brain to do the reality checks, but forget to link outcome of a failing RC to the thought “I am dreaming! I’m lucid and I can do whatever I want”. So try imagining more often that your doing a RC that fails and then thinking “I am dreaming. I am lucid”. This should program your brain to know what to do after a failed RC.
Thanks a lot brb123 i’m gonna have to try that. Your right its like my brain doesnt know what to do if an RC fails it just says “ok theres 12 fingers on your hand. so what? i’m gonna continue on with this normal dream and not allow to become lucid.” LOL
I think I have to work on that myself as well though.
Tonight I was flying with a hangglider (never done that in RL) and later I even continued flying using just my arms like an eagle . It felt really awesome. I did notice that it was slightly odd, but I told myself that it was possible because of the extreme thermal of an approaching thundercloud, because I could really feel the rising air pull at me. I even did a RC by trying to push my finger through my hand, but didn’t notice anything odd (I think I’ll go for another method next time). After a while it started lightening so I had to get down.
I didn’t turn lucid unfortunately, but it sure felt great to fly and I think it might have been useful that I already know how to fly, when I do get lucid in a while .