Cooking with the stars
[snip part before where I get lucid and do another task first]
And then I realize I can do the Challenge, cooking something. Yes, I will need a kitchen for that. I’m in some kind of working place, office building, everywhere people sit at tables looking in papers, drinking coffee. office like. I ask:“where is the kitchen?” a guy points:“over there”. I walk there, and the “kitchen” is just like a office space but now people hang around instead of sitting and looking busy. No sink, no furnace, no nothing.
Right. OK. First I need to have working space so I create a kind of sink at the walls of the room. What else do I need, ingredients, lots of ingredients. I point to the walls and mentally open them like cupboards, and cupboards appear and open and inside are all kinds of boxed food, cans, tins, and so on. The people are amazed. One of the people in the room is Siiw by the way, and I tell her I’m going to cook something. or something along those lines.
I keep creating more cupboards and shelves with ingredients. I have no idea what I’ll cook up so I get stuck in creating ingredients. The dream ends before I have managed to even cook something.[/LD]
edit: lasted longer than 10 seconds I think it was about 15 / 20 minutes
I had another tiny one, just a fragment due to my bad recall:
Something with stephen Laberge, and another dreamer coming in totally changing the dreamscape into a swimmingpool, and Laberge explains me how this is possible.
probably lasted longer than 10 seconds but my recall is so bad I can’t be sure.
[FA]False awakening, I read a book in bed, and suddenly I realize one page is in dutch while all the other pages I was reading were in english. That’s weird, better to a reality check.
I plug my nose, can still breathe a bit through it. Oh? huh? is this RC working right? Plug again? can’t breathe ah, see, now it works, nope, not dreaming.
I continue the dream commenting to my husband about the book and the writer.[/FA]