Lucidity Challenge 14

Of course its allowed :smile:

Should I count you in ? :content:

It is allowed, you don’t have to be an accomplished LDer, the point of the challenge is to motivate you to get more LDs :content: even if you had none before :wink:

Yes, yes, yes!! Count me in! It sounds like fun!! :woo:

I need something to do in my LD’s rather than kiss boys… :tongue:

/me signs up


Wow, this looks so fun, except I can’t join because I will fail, epicly, because I can’t lucid dream yet :sad: :cry: :crying:

You can still join, maybe the challenge will help you !


You could try Rhythmic Napping:

yes you can join, it doesn’t matter if you fail(I got 0 points in the last challenge )
you can win even if you only have NDs as long as you do the tasks in the dreams.
And this will raise your motivation to get a LD, and maybe make so you get a LD sooner :wink:

I’d like to sign up.

Dont be :sad: the point with the challenge is to increase the ability to summon the LD-ability :cool: so you can join, no problem. We start when we are ten and when relv posts task one here :cool:

Ok, I’ll join :woo:
crosses fingers

Just one more people !!

come on


… I’m in, too ! :smile:

Ok, then we start when relv posts task one here :wink:

Ok, so here is the first challenge, as the time now is 23:00 GMT 6/12/08, the task is for tomorrow.

And the task is…

Bathing ^^

You need to go to a pool, to the beach, to a tube, whatever you like and bathe in the water.


You remember seeing water in your dream (while not bathing in them). 5 +
You bathe in water. + 10
If you have someone accompanying you while you’re bathing. 5 + each person
Swimming 10+
if you remember something you saw while you were underwater. +10 each
if you were able to control the water to one way or another. +15 (for example, creating a whirlpool to suck the dirt … bad example :lol: )
If you remember how the water felt. +15

and the ground rules : (copied ^^)

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Enjoy :content:

“Ok, random DC, would you like to take a bath now?” Oh, how will they respond? This could be funny.

:woo: Very excited for my first task :woo:

Haha, nice one relV :cool:

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I like this first task, since I many times have dreamt of bathing in dreams :grin:.

I did it, I didnt read the quest, but dropped past a pool this night :happy: and had an LD that lasted for 20 secs. I havent posted my dream in the DJ yet, Ill post the link later :cool:

This was the dream folk, hope you like it :cool:

I didn’t do the first taks but I was very close if it wasn’t for that “tunnel” but atleast I saw water in the dream. :grin:

here is a link to the dream in my DJ too: [