Rhythmic Napping - Highly recommended for beginners

This method is very effective and very simple and does not require any mental efforts besides going to sleep while having a timer beep every so and so minutes…

By having the timer beep every minute and having waking up/falling asleep intervals, you start hovering on the awake / asleep threshold.

Eventually, your mind will settle above the threshold and your body below.

Mind awake, body asleep.

SP usually happens when you wake up and fall back to sleep without moving.

So you’ll probably end in SP at some point while using a timer, as long as you make sure not to move once you lay down.

Now, this method is called rhythmic napping because it uses the body rhythmic mechanisms.

if you set the timer to beep after 4 minutes, then 8 minutes, then 12 minutes,
the body gets a rhythm going. during the 12 minute interval, your body will probably expect to be shocked at either 4 or 8 minutes, so you might get a lucid shot all of the sudden inside a dream, or you might wake up in SP.

The only thing you need to do is to stay still and fall asleep before the timer. That’s it.

Once trained, you can use this method to do a lot of things.

You can put the timer to beep every 3 minutes or so in order to have a chain of many short lucid dreams.

Hope this helps

rhythmic napping sounds great. but where can you get a timer to do that? i suggest for people who cant get a timer like that to have a friend text message them every x minutes. so that way you dont have to move to turn the (timer) off

A friend in a different time zone? Your friends need to sleep too :razz:

Unless you are attempting this in the day time… but in that case, being the geek I am, I would make some sort of script for that, or just use something called cron. I have a jailbroken ipod touch so I can kinda hack around with it, plus I sleep next to my computer and the speaker could be used as an alarm

to relV: have you tried this or just found out about it? and tkrulewich: no i meant if you sleep at ten i’m sure you can find a friend who sleeps at like 11(in your own time zone) and she/he can text you 3 times, once every 5 minutes. not keep him/her up all night.

Took me a lot of time to find this :content:
Its a really good one, flash timer. (if you have a computer next to you when sleeping)

I don’t use this method but I know many people who found it to be very helpful.

Sometimes I do a little bit of chaining , rarely

wats chaining? and the timer is great but i dont have the computer in my room.

chaning is that when you wake up from a LD or a dream

don’t move and focus all your senses on being back in the dream, imagining and asking to be taken back in.

this method is powerful for early monrings, to set an alarm at a time that would make you grumpy, and use the snooze button, A LOT…
i noticed because of staying the night at a friends, he’d have his alarm go off at least 7 times, with about a 15 min snooze interval, which eventually caused me to OBE

would be good if you have a spouse or sleeping partner, or a trained monkey or intelligent dog or something of the sort.

Would you recommend doing this as a WBTB method or during the morning as opposed to at night?

I must try!I’m not tired right now though…

It doesn’t matter.
That’s the whole beauty of this system. It requires nothing but putting the timer on and falling asleep.

Whenever you are tired enough, will work.