little experiment

Alright, so I have an idea. I’ll stay up all night tonight, go to school and everything else I would normally do in the day and then around 10 or 11 go to sleep. This way not only will I be able to get to bed at a more reasonable hour at night and possibly change my sleeping schedule for the better but I’ll also be in an almost unconscious dream state around the time I want to go to sleep making WILD a snap. And maybe I’ll start seeing things which would be cool lol.

What do you guys think? Bad idea staying up all night on a school night or would it even matter? There isn’t anything special tomorrow.

have you tried just going to bed earlier?

Yeah, that’s not really why I want to do it though. I heard you can get into WILD pretty easily

Worked for me, once, recently… but all the other all-nighters I’ve pulled in the past (and there were too many :eek:) didn’t have that effect at all. In most, I even lost dream recall, it’s like my mind was overworked too and just wanted to go under and shut down.

Lucidity might be more difficult to come by if you skip over a night of ND’s needed to consolidate memory (stuff in class, you might want to remember,) and regular physical sleep in the first place mostly to regulate body temperature. So I really wouldn’t recommend doing repeats for this experiment if it doesn’t work the first time!

repeats on loosing nights? spells insomnia to me. losing sleep isn’t something to play with :sad:

Pulling an all-nighter and then go to bed early the day after doesn’t sound like a good idea, especially not on a schoolday. I’ve tried it several times and it doesn’t work, trut me. Most of the time I was too irritated at school to properly pay attention to anything and the night of the early-sleeping I was too tired to properly peform WILD or an other technique. The day after I didn’t remember one single thing.

Could be just me, but if I go to bed really tired, I never recall any dream at all and my schedule gets even more messed up than it already is.

Not to say that I have anything against sleep deprivation. If applied correctly it can be quite the opposite of depriving.

We get tired mostly because our mind is tired, not our body.

If you ran for an hour a bit after you woke up, you wouldn’t fall asleep after running.
Your body will be tired, you will probably want to sit and rest, but not necessarily sleep.
During the day, the Serotonin level is decreasing, your mind is getting tired and scattered, that’s why you feel you need to sleep. For example, did you ever read a book for a couple of hours then just had to sleep? get the point? But this is a completely different discussion :wink:

Staying up for lots of hours to WILD is a big mistake.

Your Serotonin level is way down, you are almost crashing and that’s the reason it will probably be very very hard to keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep.
Sure, it’s possible, but no reason to do it.
The morning or during the night is the best time, as you already have Serotonin and your body is already completely relaxed, making letting it go to sleep very very easy as well as keeping the mind awake.
Practicing WILD correctly every morning , I believe, is a guarantee for success. It’s quite possible to do it before you go to sleep as well.
You might want to move around a bit after you wake up in the morning before you do it, you need to check and try to see how it works for you. Develop your concentration just a bit, a couple of breathing exercises and you’re good to go…
I don’t think its generally a good idea to ruin your comfort for a lucid dream. Find your comfortable way to achieve them.

Hope this helps,
let me know if you have any questions ^^

Hmm, well I have a problem with dream recall which I spoke about a bit in another topic of mine. Can’t really write in a DJ except for on the weekends. But my main goal is to accomplish WILD and gain an understanding of how to do it so I can be a master lucid dreamer. I’ve been trying for over a year though and haven’t been able to get anything or even remember more than 1% of my dreams. It seems futile.

Any tips that could show me some kind of instant progress would be greatly appreciated. Especially WILD stuff.

Doesn’t matter if you can’t write a DJ, and besides, there’s no such thing as can’t. If you’ll need to do it, you’ll do it.
Don’t worry about it :content:
How do you try to WILD, where is your problem?
About your DR
go to sleep with the intention to remember your dreams as you wake up.
If it doesn’t work, consider using affirmations and / or visualization exercises and / or self hypnosis / hypnosis sessions.
All of those never fail :smile:

Going back to WILD, do you trouble with letting the body sleep or keeping the mind awake?

check out:

Well I don’t normally follow a technique, I just kind of try to stay focused. I’ve tried using FILD a couple of times in the morning but I just start wigglin my finger and then black out. I know I’m doing something wrong because I haven’t even gotten to the images and shapes that all these new users have accomplished within 2 days. My guess is that I’m not doing it at the right time but it’s hard for me to mess around with time on the weekdays due to school. I’ll try to figure out that perfect time now because it’s winter break so what would you suggest? Sleep 6 hours and then use a specific wild method that you’ve had success with?

P.S. I’m going to try out the rhythmic napping during the day, sounds good.

How about lucidwarp or infinity? Would those do any good in my situation?

My suggestion is to NOT try things like this. Our bodies have sleep schedules for a reason, so messing them up means messing up some body functions. Sleep normally, for you body’s sake :smile: