Teleporting Exit (WILD/OBE)

Due to the recent very high demand for WILD techniques and related subjects,

I have decided to have a short explanation here for the teleportation exit, which is a very efficient technique to exit.

The normal way to exit is to focus your attention into a dream scenario in your mind or whatever it is you’re thinking about.

The teleporting method is based on creating a copy of yourself.

Visualize a copy of yourself, doing whatever it is you want to do, wherever it see you want to be.
Use as much of your senses as you can.
Now, most people think that visualization is something that happens instantly. No, it doesn’t. For some people it does. But for most people, it takes time.
That doesn’t matter, all you have to do is think about it.
Let’s say Im lying here on my bed creating the dream copy of me walking around in my kitchen. I would think about what I’m doing, what I’m seeing, what I’m smelling, what I’m touching etc… As your consciousness gets more and more focused on the copy of yourself, you will start experiencing it more wholly. Seeing, hearing, etc…
If you’ll manage to keep your attention on your copy while keeping your body still and relaxed, your consciousness will gradually move there until you will suddenly “teleport” there.
You might notice a certain phase in which your consciousness seems to be in both places, without anyone of them being more significant than the other. Obviously, keep focusing your consciousness on your copy and you will teleport there in no time.
This is a great method to my opinion.
If anyone gives it a go, I’d love to hear how it went.
Hope this helps :content:
and the next chapter will be on the subject of rhythmic napping :smile: an almost guaranteed way to LD. :content:

Wow relv, Ill try this, sounds like a stonecertain method to step into a dream. I wonder how the SP shall feel so that I can do this properly :smile:

it’s also useful for OBEs :content:

I think I do this sometimes and it’s great :content:

I usually use my sense of touch first. I visualize I’m touching something, like a wall, shelf, or even rubbing my hands. I keep imagining with as much detail as possible until I can actually feel it. then I try to slowly open my eyes, or imagine i open them…

although I usually have to wake up and not move or be very relaxed for this to work.

ill try this tonight.

Any results ?

i blanked out. nothing

Its harder than it looks :cry:

Its a how-to-do the wild then to actually do it

There really is nothing to say about WILD itself.

The only thing you need to do is to keep your mind awake while letting your body go to sleep. Once you are completely there, you will find it very easy to move away.

People have a hard time concentrating so their mind falls asleep, or they can’t relax so their body will fall asleep.

If you want to discuss how to succeed in a WILD attempt, you’d actually be talking about techniques and tips for relaxation and concentration.

Control consciousness, control energy, control life.

hmm lol I read about this technique before and described it in the topic “My fastest WILD Ever”:
The best is when you wake up very tired in the morning (like you wanna try HILD):
then Try to visualize you in front of your House p. e. By me I felt two short vibrations and then i was in front of my house.