Lucidity Challenge 14

Im sorry chocolat ^^

Updated scores will come tonight with the new task.

Ghostie - 75
Siiw - 55
Wilddreamer- 40
chocolat65 - 25 (10 for bathing, 15 for remembering the feeling)
Magnus - 5

Task IV - Type D

[color=orange]Sensory input

What you need to do here is receive as many sensory input you can.

Visuals and sounds do not count.


If you remember any specific touch, smell or taste you experienced. + 5 each

If you remember any specific touch, smell or taste you experienced and couldn’t recognize it from waking life. +10 each

If you are in a situation in which you use all of your senses. +15 points

The idea in this exercise is to allow you to use the dream environment to open your mind and experience things that are harder to experience while awake.
I think this exercise is very helpful, great and fun if it is approached with the right, creative state of mind.

Waking life

This time, you can grab another 5 points extra for doing a simple exercise which I recommend you to do as it well help you with everything else.

The exercise is:

Concentrating on each of your senses until you are concentrated on all of them. This is harder than it sounds. Your mind has to be clear and solely concentrated on the information you are absorbing through your sensory input systems. +5 points for this ^^

I highly recommend every one to try this exercise (without any relation to the challenge or dreams in general, it is a very uplifting consciousness exercise)

Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open. - Thomas Dewar

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes


P.S. , starting tomorrow, the tasks are going to get more and more interesting and fun ^^

Wow, Ill do all the tasks at same time, however I failed to do something today :sad:

Hm… I’ve seen water in a dream last night… Though nothing much…

I was on a boat, which was floating on a river. I looked through the window, and saw water…

I dont think this counts, but I had a dream two days ago in which, being chased by a monster, crashed through a window, and hit grassy ground. I felt the window smash outwards, and I felt the dull thud when I hit the ground.

It counts, at least if relv decides, you can do more tasks at same time, hard but gives a lot points :smile:

This task is a Type B task, and now it makes a difference.

For the next day you get double 50% more points for doing a Type B task, if you do both the Type B tasks, you get 100% more points ^^

For those of you wondering about the time schedules.

You can take a full day (24h) from the moment you read this as long as it still fits the date. Just be sure to take a time that will be comfortable for you every day and do it like that always.

And the task… :smile:


Today, you need to laugh !!

:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:

And the points :content:

If you get a good laugh. +10 points

If it was about something you have never “thought” of as entertaining. +15 points

if you remember the thing that made you laugh after the dream (IRL) and give another good laugh about it, +15 points/ if it made you hysterically laugh +20 points

If you were laughing for more than what you recall as 30 seconds inside a dream. +15 points, and if you can remember how it felt physically, another 25 points, 40 points (combined with a C task), if you remember the entire physical reception you had, you get 50 points ^^

and the new mega bonus :content:

if you get lucid in the dream, and you manage to just concentrate on laughing without any funny mood and start laughing until you can’t stop.

100 points !!

You have to do it if you’re in a situation you dont find funny.

Waking life Exercise - Highly recommended ^^

This exercise is very powerful .

About 5 minutes before you go to bed, Sit down in a comfortable position, and start breathing deeply, when you feel relaxed take 10 very deep, slow, deliberate, breaths. Visualize yourself breathing vital energy with every breath and clearing away all the toxins and stress of the day every time you breathe out.

When you’re done, do whatever you thought of doing, don’t go straight to bed! even if you feel relaxed. It’s important to do the breathing exercises a couple of minutes before you’re really done for the day ^^ it kinda gives fuel to the dream in my opinion.

In those couple of minutes try thinking only positive thoughts.
Let go of all of your fears and troubles. Let them sail away.
If any disturbing thoughts enter your mind, banish them knowing you will deal with them later. Try to experience everything in those couple of minutes as a light dream where everything is nice.

When you get to bed, concentrate on whatever it is you want to as long as it is very happy until you’re starting to feeling your thoughts are gathering more shape. Doesn’t matter if its visuals, sounds, texts, smell, physical sensations, whenever your thoughts gaining more volume, start concentrating about being in a dream, don’t want to be in a dream, don’t try or wish to be in a dream, just think about that experience, and when your thoughts gain up just a bit more, start thinking about laughing in the dream, don’t think about anything specific, just about the action of laughing , try to experience that , hold that feeling, of being in a dream just laughing. You should do it until you fall asleep. Then as you feel as you are really close to fall asleep (hoping youre still having that experience), make the wish to be there. Don’t try to be there, don’t want to go there. Just express your desire to be there. Have that feeling of just how nice it will be to be there now. Project this emotion for a while and let it go, don’t pay it any more attention.

Throughout this whole exercise, don’t let any negative emotions enter. Right form the moment you start the breathing exercises. Also, throughout the exercise in bed, don’t think about the process and what you’re doing and in general, try having a clear mind, keep the constant useless chatter away, and try focusing on what you’re doing and just on experiencing wholly.

This exercise , done correctly, will surely get you into a very nice dream :content:

:lol: :rofl: :lol:
:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
:lol: :rofl: :lol:

:lol: :rofl: :lol:
:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
:lol: :rofl: :lol:

more will come tomorrow ^^

I wish you all

sWeeT DreamS


:lol: :mrgreen: this task made me laugh, this will be an easy task :tongue: no luck today, but I considered to make an RC (then I forgot :sad: )

Sorry for being late ^^

This task is a Type D



In this task, you need to connect your dream to your physical reality.

If you go to sleep and wake up at the time you wanted to / wake up knowing the time. + 15 points

If you remember thinking in the dream about the intention to wake up at a certain time or thinking about the time you would wake up in. +20 points

If you manage to activate one of your physical senses while you’re dreaming, like feeling in what way your body is , getting some information from physical eyes, ears, nose… + 20 for one sense, + 50 for touch+visuals+sound.

The mega bonus is…

Getting your physical body to do some action.
Get up in bed and lie back down.
A lot of you may wonder if this is even possible. It is.
and you get a 100 points for this one ! ^^

Before you go to bed, you may want to say to yourself that you are conscious and active in the creation of every action of your body and mind.

Useful :smile:

And, as in the previous task, and the future ones.

As this is a Type D task,
during the next day, you get 50 % more points for doing a Type D task and 100% points if you do 2 Type D tasks :happy:

This task is a Type A task.

This time, Fire.


If you see fire in your dream. + 10 points

If you feel fire in the dream . +15 points

If you remember how it felt. + 20 points

If you were completely burned. + 25 points

if you manage to remember how it felt and you manage to enjoy it. + 50 points

And the bonus…

If you burn yourself up, having fun while doing it and remembering how it felt.
100 points

Im sorry for the rush today and yesterday, I have very minimal time. Tomorrow, Im going to have a long post come down.

I remind you again, Type A tasks gets 50% more points if you do one of them and 100% more if you do the both.


This is a Type D task.

And what you have to do is to close your eyes ^^


20 - for remembering any moment in the dream in which you closed your eyes.

25 - if you intentionally close your eyes, (not only if lucid)

30 - if you remember something you heard or saw while closing your eyes.

50 - if you are able to teleport to or create any environment you want to in your dream.

100 points for establishing physical connection with eyes closed and staying in the dream. This applies if you have a solid understanding of your physical self while still being able to control the dream world. In this state, quite everything is very easy to manifest.

Sweet Dreams ^^

It’s seems easy but I have to get a ld :tongue:

Motivation for me :smile:

This is an old task I did (again :razz: ) the dream is found here :smile:

Sorry for being late :sad:

Im having a very busy couple of days.

So here’s the task.

This is a Type A task

And basically, as you did with water and fire, now you do with air ^^

I find this a very amusing task, as air doesn’t exist in dreams yet we still feel like we are breathing.

If you remember consciously breathing in or out inside the dream. +20 points

If for some reason it was heavy breaths. + 25 points

30 points if you count more than 3 breaths.

If you remember seeing / hearing / feeling the air move. + 40 points

If you felt as if your whole body was breathing. + 50 points

The 100 points is a nice challenge if you’re lucid.
What you need to do is to be aware of your breaths, know that there isn’t any air, be aware of how breathing makes you feel and then stop “breathing” , “hold your breath”, and try to still feel as if you’re breathing.

Enjoy ^^

Ugh, I’ve had no luck completing tasks, as I can’t get my LD’s to last very long. I did have one last night though that lasted over 10 seconds…

Again, Im late :sad:

This is a Type C task.

What you need to do is to figure something out using your dream.

If you go to somewhere you’ve been to and you recall something you couldn’t consciously remember while awake. + 20 points

If you go to sleep with a question and wake up with an answer. + 30 points

If you have a precognitive dream . +50 points

The 100 points goes for someone who can deal with this challenge.

I assure you it’s possible.

Find something in yourself you don’t like. A fear that’s holding you back for too long, and pick one from the ones you don’t think belong to you or the ones you don’t remember falling yourself into to begin with. Take one that’s really a part of you. Something you can’t put your finger on why or how but you know it’s a deep part of you, you can’t consciously change.

Think about that thing as you go to sleep.

As you drift off, trying being aware and sensitive to what you’re feeling. Slowly start projecting the wish to discover the source to that problem. Ask to be helped and to see the event that caused this problem.

You get the points if you have a dream which you can recollect quite clearly (if it will be a strong experience, you’ll have no trouble recalling it). In the dream , your goal is to observe the root of the problem, if you hold on to the intention as you go to sleep and repeat it, it will work. You will see what you want to. You should see the event that created this problem, whether it was from early years of this life or from past lives… You should experience the event and either while it takes place or after you wake up, you realize what you’ve gone through and it takes care of the problem.

This is a very sweet exercise ^^


Todays dream, it really interesting :grin:

This is a type B task.

What you need to do is meditate. And this is harder than it sounds.

Preferably close your eyes and focus on your breath or nothing at all.

For every extreme positive emotion you experience. + 30 points

For every emotion or feeling you experienced you aren’t familiar with from real life. + 40 points

For a general feeling of complete serenity, peacefulness and joy you never knew. + 50 points

The 100 points can be very easy and yet very hard.

If you manage to attain a very deeply relaxed state while experiencing extreme joy, happiness and serenity. You need to assign something to this experience. You first need to stabilize and thoroughly experience it. If you manage to meditate in a dream, you will lose track of “time” in a sec. Once it is stabilized and experienced, assign whatever you want to, a number, a name, whatever…
Say in your mind:
" I always wholly remember this experience and retain it , both in the subconscious level and the conscious. "

Then concentrate on what you choose to attach it to while thinking of this experience as being attached to that thing.
Do this routine as many times as possible, always raising your emotional level as many times as possible, ever aware of it. Once you have said the affirmation enough times, start concentrating only on the thing assigned to the experience and always feel your experience. What you can do is put a mental tape of yourself saying that mantra, you can do that by saying it in your mind once and just putting it on loop :wink: its easier than it sounds if you haven’t tried it.

In the following day (or later days), when you have some time alone in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, sit or lie down and take a couple of deep breaths. Relax completely and then say inside your head the assigned mantra.
See how you feel.

You get the 100 points if it surprises yourself ^^

*oh, and the more you do it, the more your subconscious is getting used to the command.


Does it matter what kind of task you do? I mean, do I get points for the succeeded LD’s?

i was lucid and did the love task :cool:

-I am in a park, it is extremely beautiful and literally overflowing with flowers. There is a pattern somewhere in all the beauty, but it is impossible to see from my angle. I am lucid, ans thankful for a very clear image.

Somebody touches me on my back, and i turn around and face a male grey-face. He takes both my hands and we hug. I can see and feel this from both people’s point of view. The DC sees my own, blissful expression. I feel very strong love, and loved, like when i was a child in my parents’ arms.

The lucidity fades, and i experience this scene again, mostly from the DC’s side this time.