Lucidity Challenge 14

HEY! The challenge started?! Why didn’t you send out PMs? :sad:

/me wonders that too, and wonders if his and Magnus points are posted or not :confused:

your not obliged to send PMs… i think i was the only task maker that did? :eh:

Not sure about that though. Haha. Try to help the people they expect it there on after. Sorry relV! :lol:

:eh: :confused: I don’t get it?!
:anx: Am I going to get the points for the water dream task?
When does the water dream task end? Is this an A day or a B day?
What is the difference between an A day and a B day?
I live in France and time-zone problems are giving me headaches :nuu:
You might consider redoing those rules completely :eek:

I gave a link to the Greenwich Mean Time

The thing is that you don’t have to do the task that day, you get the same amount of points for doing the task throughout the game, so it doesn’t really matter. You always have a couple of tasks to choose from.

Im posting this as a poll.
Say Against / Favor .

Thank you ^^

Like it :smile:

No luck for me today, the dream has been flying away from my mind :sad:

I think it would work better if there is some kind of a time limit for each task. Adds some pressure.
But there’s nothing wrong with not having a time limit either.

Pressure= not good for LD’s, this system is better, great idea relv :cool_laugh:

well, only 3 people mentioned something about this and 2 were positive. So I think I will continue with this and I am sure you will all enjoy it :content:

There is a bonus at certain days for certain tasks, no worries, you will understand everything when you need to .

once you get a task, you can go and do it…
You can do all of the tasks that were given, every day.

So, in a couple of hours will come challenge number 3

/me hasnt seen task 2 :confused: Ive just seen one task, when will the new task be posted?

Task 2 has been posted.

it’s on page 2 or 3, a big post by me.

Task 3: (this is a type C task, but don’t worry about it for now, it’ll be clear in a few days when you’ll need to know about it)

Dealing with your Fears

in this task, you’re gonna need to face your fears.

Points : ^^

Seeing something (can be life form) that usually frightens you and staying cool and relaxed. + 5 each

Cooling down after having fears in the dream. + 10

Keeping a calm and relaxed fashion while dealing with one of your phobias (if you have one (IRL)) - +15

Gain the state of mind in which you realize nothing can harm you if you won’t allow it to and just stand from the side, watching and laughing without any fears in mind. Complete serenity. +30

while awake ^^:

If you manage to be in a situation that creates fear inside of you and you are able to relax and stay calm through it, while letting go of your fears completely. +5 points

If you manage to feel fearlessness in a way you never felt before. +15 points

Im sorry for being late but I will soon post some interesting things.
Hope you enjoy it ! … re=related

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. - Helen Keller

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Nelson Mandela

Just a reminder.

Now you can choose 1 of the 3 tasks I gave you to do and go for it.

Points so far

I am assuming that when you said: " i am sitting by the edge", you meant to say that your legs were bathing in the water.
If so,
30 points for lucidity.
10 points for bathing.
10 points for company.
15 points for remembering how the water felt.
10 points for remembering the rocks (even though I meant seeing something while being underwater, I have edited my mistake)
that makes for a total of
75 points (if you wasn’t bathing with your feet, you only get 45 points :sad: )

30 points for lucidity.
10 points for bathing.
15 points for remembering how it felt.
that makes up for a total of 55 points.

If the shower was streaming water at you, 10 points, if not 5 points.
Let me know.

30 points for lucidity (assuming it was over 10 seconds)
10 points for loving the baby (I am counting him as someone you know)
total of 40 points.

May the love inside you of always blossom :content:

I’m here now, i’ll get right on it.

Man I’m late

5 points, the shower was not streaming water at me

Final Scores
Ghostie 75
Siiw 55
Wilddreamer 40
Magnus 5

Dont worry about it workingclasshero, you got plenty of time ^^
I need some sleep hihi

Last night I had a ND related to task 2… Well, technically, I dreamt about task 2… :content:
Here it is :

Not sure this counts…

No luck today but I had a beautiful dream, dont remember much though :sad:

Correct, I had my feet under the water :cool_raz:

:neutral: You forgot me.
Doesn’t surprise me, I’m always the one that’s forgotten anywhere I go.
Here is the dream with water that I had. I posted it here, but you forgot about it:

I don’t know if this counts, because it was just a normal dream, but I did overcome my nightmare last night:

I think reading the task gave me the nightmare…because as I was going to bed, I was thinking about what fears I my have, and I couldn’t think of anything besides for my fear of public speaking…and then I had my nightmare, and I remember I’m afraid of paranormal stuff!!!