I had a medium LD lasting about 3 minutes. I completed my personal task. I asked my reflection in the mirror who was the fairest of them all, but my reflection only gave me a smirk. I thought I would get something more exciting. I attempted the Quest of the month, but I couldn’t find or summon a present. Oh well.
I had a very short lucid and had very little control. Hopefully I will be more successful tomorrow morning.
[spoiler]The parking security guy at my old high school stopped me as I was getting ready to leave and go meet my parents at home so we could go out to dinner or something. He looked at my driver’s license and told me I needed some kind of thing and I said that I had graduated and I needed to leave and he eventually let me go, but I was already late. As I get into the car to leave, the dream begins to fade and I become lucid for a short moment I became lucid—I tried to move but I couldn’t and I lose lucidity as I slipped into the next dream. A missed DEILD chance for sure…
I was walking into this building. It looked like the front of a Wal-Mart. I came in looking for the restaurant that I was supposed to meet my parents at.
The next thing I knew I was in a restaurant and we were waiting to be fed. As we sat in the booth, this annoying fat black lady kept putting her arm over the back of the booth. My mom asked her to stop several times, but she refused and the restaurant called security and threw the entire violating group out. The young lady who was doing our waitressing said something to us; I don’t remember what, but soon after we left. We ended up in the Wal-Mart store again, my parents got a couple of things to buy, and then we attempted to buy them with these automatic checkout machines but they were being screwy. As we attempted this, we saw or lovely young waitresses walk out into the night. We walked through a door at the foyer of the building and found a room that looked like a hotel lobby, there was my grandma there, and my aunt. [/spoiler]
I just want to ask anyone can participate yea? But not this time anymore. I have to wait for next challenge?
I totally forgot! That dream i posted earlier completed my personal goal of interacting with my dream twin.
I had another medium LD last night, with more winged flying. Despite not counting the last such LD for my personal goal (control a fifth limb), I will count this one for it, as I finally had some proprioception and I feel that I could claim control of the wings only if I could know where they were.
Sorry for the late reply. We still have spots so you can still join, just make sure you post like in the sign-ups
Considering it’s Christmas and none of you have gotten any presents from me, I’m going to extend this Task through next Wednesday. Merry Christmas
I had an LD this morning where I only accomplished the part of recieving and exchanging gifts with you.
The lucid dream itself was quite long, probably 10-15 mins. I went back to sleep in the morning after waking up with about an hr more to sleep. I dreamt of being driven by my older brother (irl, he can’t drive), and on a very unfamiliar road. What struck me lucid was the fact that the sky looked a little odd, animated almost. I performed two hand RCs to confirm.
I left the car to do the LC task, but I had a FM of the task being to ride the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. So I pretty much imagined up the ship and got to actually sit in the captain’s seat, I also met with Spock and he was really tall for some reason. I didn’t forget about the part of the task to find my gift. So I tried to find you and just imagined you behind a set of doors on the ship, you made an epic entrance by emerging from the darkness as a shiny green scaled dragon/human. Everyone on the ship was really afraid of you aha. I gave you a quick hug and told you I was StarryGwee and as soon as we parted from the hug I saw a silver wrapped up package on a table. I opened it to find a red cloak, then I gave you a gift back. I ended up spending the rest of the dream making gifts for DCs in low lucidity.
Had a very short LD.
Ever since I started this LC, I’ve been having a dry spell of LD. I guess I will have to start trying to WILD again.
I had a short LD halfway through sleeping last night, later followed by a lucid moment at the end of sleep.
Another extremely short LD.
I had a short LD where I created 3 Christmas light displays and tried to find Rhewin, but woke up before I could find him. (This happened more than a week ago; I’m really behind in my record keeping.)
Last night I had a long LD where I tried to find a new composition, but it didn’t come out well and I couldn’t remember much of it when I woke up. I’m going to keep trying.
This dream wasn’t lucid, but it was… remembered, which is more than I can say for so many dreams this year!
And I did interview a DC. It was actually quite sweet, I think. It was of my high school teacher that I used to have a such a huge crush on, and the sort-of interview was about this person’s wedding and dream me was completely okay with it, no jealousy or anything, and when the interviewer asked how I was doing hearing all of this, I even made the remark that, “I like to hear more about your life. What flowers did you have at your wedding?” For some reason, the interviewee couldn’t answer that last part. And I’d get question right back, like how old I was by now. Dream-me was very moved to remain a teen, so the answer was nineteen, even though I’m actually twenty-something
Nothing Yule-themed, pity.
Another short LD. There was some kind of lights thing going on in the dream, but I can’t remember the dream all that well.
I’m a little confused - wondering why are Christmas Lights in the LC title but the first post says that we can create any task/goal for ourselves?
Right now my goal is simply to ask a dream figure “Where are we?” and listen to the response!
2-3 min lucid dream. Can’t remember how it started or ended. I was trying to find my spirit guide and called out for him floating around. I increased my lucidity twice and that’s all i remember…
A short LD in which I couldn’t get anything done because it was impossible to keep my eyes open (stupid low-lucids!)…
That would be your personal goal, which you can accomplish regardless of what the current LC task is, you get points for both. Accomplished LC tasks earn you the most points when you did them while they are still the current task, your personal goal always earns you the same amount of points.
Had about a 2 min LD. I completed the creating a light display task, but it didn’t have any holiday associated with it. It was pretty cool, though.
OK, sorry I’m a little late on this one, had a crazy day yesterday. On to the next task!
Task 3: The Walking Dreamers
Maybe the Mayans weren’t wrong after all. A zombie apocalypse has broken out across the dreamscape! If you’re going to survive you’ll need to be cunning. Gather supplies, find shelter, do whatever you have to in order to survive. Or… is that a bite on your arm? Will you cure yourself? Or is it already too late? Good luck!
Survive the zombie onslaught: +20pts
Put a zombie out of its misery: +10pts
Each additional zombie you put down: +5pts per tick
Become a zombie yourself (either bitten and turned or transformed): +30pts
Each DC you bite and turn: +10pts per tick
And as a note, there is no more bonus for finding my gift, though you’re still welcome to look
EDIT: You can survive in one dream and be bitten in another and the points will stack, or you can survive one wave and be bitten in another in the same dream and I’ll still award points for “surviving”.
Current Standings
Wow, we had a lot of people complete their personal tasks. Any of you that have, PM me with a new task that will be worth +25pts. Sorry I haven’t been able to comment your dreams as I’d normally like, but I’m still quite busy with holiday hours at work. Now I can finally concentrate a bit more so you’ll see me a little more often on here .
HeadInTheClouds: 340pts
Thorn: 210pts
elnaureth: 205pts
StarryGwee: 200pts
drow: 140pts
EllyEve: 100pts
Loah: 100pts
zz: 40pts
DaveTheJoker: 20pts
Dragonmind: 20pts
fennecgirl: 20pts
Leijona: 20pts
MagykKatte: 20pts