Lucidity Challenge 37: Winner - Scipio Xaos! Congrats!

HeadInTheClouds: Ahh I see. So you can apply things like bonus and early to the individual sub-tasks / parts. That’s what I was confused about…

In short… it’s still sleeping time where I live right now… Just trying to record some DJ notes for something major I hope to have posted before it’s too late. :razz: I’ll see everyone later! :happy:

I had a short LD, and saw my reflection in a garden pond.

Remember me? :happy: Here it is! Let’s see… I did a lot! There were two lucid dreams! :open_mouth: One of them was long while the other was very short… In the long one was where all the action was.

Let’s see… I did the LD4All monthly quest! Well… sort of. I also did Task III Part III, go through a mirror! I used that mirror trick to accomplish my personal task! Yay! I also flew one more time as a Zapdos! :happy:

Task Worthy & Restroom Lucidity!

((Task Worthy - Long Lucid Dream - Task I Part II (Lucid), Task III Part III (Lucid-E), and my Personal Task (Lucid) ))

((Restroom Lucidity - Short Lucid Dream))

Current Stats:

[spoiler]Fragments: 6
Non-Lucid Dreams: 17
False Lucid Dreams: 1
Short Lucid Dreams: 3
Medium Lucid Dreams: 2
Long Lucid Dreams: 1

Task 1: Part I (Lucid-E), Part II (Lucid), and Part III (Lucid-E)
Task 2: Part I (Lucid-E) and Part II (Lucid-E)
Task 3: Part I (Lucid-E), Part II (Lucid-E), Part III (Lucid-E), 2 Part 4’s (Lucid-E), and the Bonus (Lucid-E)

HeadInTheClouds: If I may, I would like my next personal task to be to find that DC once more, but this time to hold a longer conversation. I’d like to talk with her some more, and verify I got her name right. :razz:

A ‘-E’ indicates it was Early.

LD’d today, happened in one super long dream where I fell lucid at least thrice.

I looked pretty normal in the dream mirror. I asked the bonus question a few times, first reply was a webpage on New Brunswick, second was a webpage on Miss Talented. I also asked other questions but I can’t recall them now :meh: ah well. IRL I only briefly glanced over the mirror task, so in the dream I was trying to remember the other parts. I thought one task was to pull things out of the mirror, so I grabbed a few things through xD.

After the mirror task, I got bored and decided to fly and remembered to do it differently. I sprouted some white wings (like fairy wings) (Never flew that way before) My mind thought by “differently” was to have some bent wings… so flying was a little difficult. :razz:

I’m pretty sure I performed some spells afterwards, but I can’t remember. My recall was pretty bad. Only cause there was so much contents to remember.

Posting this for now, will edit to post the rest.


[spoiler]1. (3-4mins)
Got lucid from hand RC, went to mirror at bro’s room and looked at myself. At first I was blurry and then it got clearer as I focused. My head was warped at the right side in the mirror, but it fixed itself when I focused in on it. I looked like how I look IRL, nothing scary or weird thankfully.

I remembered to ask the mirror the bonus question. Instead of the mirror replying, it pulled up a webpage on the mirror of New Brunswick. lol. I asked again and this time it pulls up a page on some girl, Miss Talented. Afterwards she appears in the room smiling and just standing there… She had blonde curly shoulder length hair, she also had those pageant sashs hanging from her shoulder to waist. On it, Miss Talented.

I went back to focusing on the mirror, wondering what the other task was. I thought it was to pull something out of the mirror. I stuck my hand into the mirror, it was a cool and somewhat thick feeling. I felt around for objects, I felt a lot of fabric and decided to just pull something in, I pulled some black hoodie out and written on it was, Miss Talented, in green. I went back and pulled something else a bit heavier, at first I thought it was a person. But it was just some heavy jumbled up fabric. After this I was out of ideas, I decided to get the girl to go through the mirror (should of done it myself) she refuses. I end up losing my lucidity somewhere here.

  1. (3mins)
    Don’t recall how I got lucid. I went to my house’s guest bathroom to the mirror to ask some more questions, but sadly I don’t remember them now. I just remember not getting good replies, something about Aurora (A city nearby mine).

I was pretty tired of spending time on the ground talking to a mirror lol. I leave and decide to fly. I hop up and sprouted wings, in the midst of that I recall to fly differently. I had white fairy-like wings, they looked like those costume wings you buy, but my left wings were bent pointing to the right. I was amused at how my mind interpreted “differently”. Despite that, I flew around for a bit with difficulty, I leave the house and fly into the sky but lose my lucidity somewhere.

  1. (1min)
    I was walking through a mall and realized that an FBI agent was blocking one of the many escalators in a mall. Somehow I snuck by him and ran up the escalator. I instantly become lucid while walking at a narrow white hallway. There was something about Scipio here, I can’t recall now :meh: I went into one of the rooms and imagined up a large mirror. I asked it some questions can’t remember nowww

I just remember some other lucid parts… xD

I’m underground with a few others, with low-lucidity. There was some back story of a villian capturing a few teenagers to join him at something. Me and the others caught him. I was surprised I was still dreaming. I really had no other goals I could think of. So at a cave corner I thought of doing some spells. Don’t remember which. Afterwards I’m told to go and help the others out with the captured teenagers. They were trying to escape by a boat. We place them into shopping carts…lol haha and roll them along the cave. One of the teenagers tries to jump out, I threaten him saying I have a gun and that I had powers. He laughs and doesn’t believe it. I point my hand in a gun shape and he continues laughing. I remind myself that I shouldn’t be using my lucid dreams for bad. So I refrain.

Still underground, I’m just roaming about in low-lucidity. I find a giant crack on the stone wall, at the lower half. I was small enough to fit through it and explored it. I come to another room that was sort of lit, I hid behind a rock to watch. There was one man sitting on a chair and talking about something, afterwards another man appears out of nowhere, he had grey long hair and seemed to have powers of some sort. With a command, I made myself invisible. I tiptoed into the room passing the guy on the chair without a problem. Suddenly I hear a crackling laughter, the grey hair man looks at me and laughs, “We can see you, there’s no need to hide.” They smile at me evilly. I quickly try to make myself invisible again, but they still watch and come near me. Not sure why, in the dream I remembered Sauron’s eye. I commanded myself to become that eye. I turned into a giant blazing eye, they both stared and screamed in pain.

  1. (1min)
    Don’t remember what triggered, but I was really surprised at how I was still dreaming. I went into an office-like room. Big long table and such, well lit. My cousin sat at the end of the table. I smiled and walked over to a projector and willed it into a mirror. I asked it the same questions from 2. but I really can’t remember them. The mirror’s reply did not change, it kept showing me the city, Aurora. Pretty irritated I stop. I stopped to recall all the lucid points in that one huge dream. Gradually everything fades and I awaken. With a super fuzzy recall.

I don’t know why the mirror kept referring to Aurora…feels like it’s important though :neutral: . And my recall… :bambi:[/spoiler] Those were only the lucid bits…it was seriously one long dream with no awakenings till the end. I guess this is what happens after having an active day with only 3hrs sleep. :razz:

[center]Task 4 – Changing Perspectives[/center]

Welcome to task 4 of LC 37!

This task contains some of my favorite things to do in a LD. The goal is to switch your perspective in a dream. Now, I mean this in a very loose definition of changing perspectives. Basically, you are supposed to become another person, animal, or object. This is mainly a transformation task, but you are free to use methods such as possessing a DC in order to accomplish the task. The important thing is that you are not physically yourself in the dream. You must physically be the thing of the perspective you are taking to get points. Whoever has the most creative solution for completing the task will get the +5 pts creativity. However, as this is one of my favorite things in a LD, I may just decide to reward some extra creativity points at the end of the task if a lot of people complete it. Below is the breakdown for the points that you are eligible to obtain for this task:

1. Take the perspective of a disembodied observer (DO) - +40 pts
2. Take the perspective of an inanimate object/thing - +30 pts
3. Take the perspective of another person - +20 pts
4. Take the perspective of an animal/fantasy creature (werewolf, etc) - +20 pts
5. Any additional changes in perspective - +5 pts per tick

I know many of your personal goals are transformation. If you accomplish a task that also coincides with your personal goal, then I will give you the points for whichever one would give you more points. Assume the task was completed instead of your personal goal because I will post congratulations if you have completed your personal goal. If you’d rather it be your personal task that was completed regardless of points, then let me know and I will adjust your score accordingly.

Scores and creativity bonus points for task 3 will be posted soon.


I had my longest LD to date in this DJ entry. After watching Gwee and Scipio manage a lot of tasks in one LD, I was determined to do the same, and it went extremely well. I became a DO and another person, as well as seeing the world like a comic book. I went through a mirror. I performed a Harry Potter spell with a wand. I flew as that other person — a new method. I completed one other transformation for my personal goal. This dream could not have been any better for the LC if I tried. :razz:
EDIT: Well, okay, it could’ve had the quest, but I didn’t have that in any incubations yet, so it wasn’t on my mind.

Of course, I encourage you to read it to make sure I’m understanding what’s worth points.

Alright, this is going to be a long post. The current scores are at the very bottom. Congratulations to Scipio Xaos for winning the +5 pts for having the most creative question for the mirror. I was also glad to see that a couple of you finished the bonus task. However, the bonus task no longer rewards the bonus points, although if you ask that question, it will still cover part 2 or part 4 of the third task. Also, congrats to Thorn for having his longest LD yet. Finally, both Thorn and Scipio Xaos have completed their personal tasks, so congratulations to both of them as well.

@Scipio Xaos

I wanted to let you know that the personal task is not eligible for the lucid/combo/early point bonuses that the main tasks are eligible for (It looked like you put down lucid bonus for your personal task, so that is why I mention it.). Come to think of it, maybe I should make that clearer in the rules.

Additionally, I believe that you did complete the LD4all quest, so you have been awarded points for that.

Also, your second personal task is just fine. Good luck with completing it. If you complete it, make sure to acknowledge so in your post. Cardiac is an odd name, so it will be interesting if you confirm that is your DC’s name.


That was one long dream. Was it your longest LD yet? I wanted to make sure it wasn’t, because that seemed like a really long dream.

Miss Talented, an interesting person to be the fairest of them all. I guess she must be from New Brunswick if that’s what the mirror showed you before it showed you her.


As you were unsure what was worth points, I will let you know. Obviously, it being your longest LD and you completing your personal goal were worth points. As for tasks: Task 1, part 2; Task 2, part 1 (You found a wand and cast a spell); Task 3, part 3; Task 4, part 1; Task 4, part 3. You had already seen your reflection in a mirror (Task 3, part 1), so there were no additional points for that. Also, as for seeing your world in a comic book like fashion, that didn’t count for any points. The reason being that you have to take the perspective of something else (person, animal, or thing). I know DO probably doesn’t fit that definition very well, but as it is a main task, it doesn’t matter. That definition mainly applies to part 5 of Task 4, for additional perspective changes. If any of that is confusing, let me know.

Additionally, I am not sure when you had this lucid dream. If you had it before 1:00 a.m. PST (GMT-7) on Monday, May 13 2013, then you are also eligible for an early point bonus for completing Task 3, part 3. Let me know if the LD was before that time if you want the early point bonus.

Current Scores:
Thorn: 860
Lucidis: 0
James_uk2008: 50
Masonc1: 70
Omnisomnia: 0
MrLucidZombie: 0
argon: 130
Scipio Xaos: 1125
Rhewin: 0
Cyclonic: 40
MagykKatte: 0
Siiw: 285
StarryGwee: 990
Jessica: 65
GigaByte: 0
squoak: 70
mr_Block: 0
demented: 80

HeadInTheClouds, I did not have the dream soon enough for early points for Task 3. The time window between your 2:11 AM EDT Task 4 post and your 4:00 AM EDT Task 3 early deadline is simply too small to have a REM cycle long enough to fit that dream. :razz:

I see I have the opportunity to create a second personal task for 25 points. For that, I’d like to seek out LD4all member Koharo as a DC in a dream, as I promised that I’d attempt to do some things from his dream journal in my own dream, so I figure that I’ll learn how right from the source. That said, since I’m 265 points behind Scipio Xaos and there are no combo bonuses attached to personal tasks, I don’t picture this getting done soon — I very much need to chain every other point opportunity I haven’t done together in one lucid dream to catch up, and that assumes that Scipio Xaos doesn’t become a DO and earn points himself (as he tends to do even in NDs~).

Nope, it wasn’t my longest LD.

I also have a question regarding the new task. Will NDs still count? I think many of us dream in many different perspectives. I dream in first person and switch to DO in pretty much all of my NDs, so I think it’d be easy points for everyone (which is good) but then that’s a bit of work on your part. :razz:

Hi Thorn,
That secondary personal task is fine. Make sure to let me know in your post if you complete it.

All of the weekly tasks can be accomplished in a ND, but you won’t get any lucid bonus points for those accomplished tasks.

I know that there are some who dream in DO a lot, but I’ve also heard of a large amount of people who have difficulty being in the DO state. I often, in my LDs as well as my NDs, enter both first person and DO view. In my case, though, it’s like I’m doing both at the same time, especially in my LDs.

Oh boy. This is going to be fun. :tongue: Like Thorn already mentioned, I am not myself very often. I like Part 2 a lot as I’ve been an inanimate object exactly one time before, and it was in an LD! :happy: Wonder if I’ll try and be a balloon again? :grin:

I had a lucid moment and I changed perspective while not lucid:

I had short lucid, but I can’t recall much of the details, let alone if I had any perspective changes.

Pipes Are Important & An Invisible Demon

((Pipes Are Important - Short Lucid Dream))

Current Stats:

[spoiler]Fragments: 6
Non-Lucid Dreams: 18
False Lucid Dreams: 1
Short Lucid Dreams: 4
Medium Lucid Dreams: 2
Long Lucid Dreams: 1

Task 1: Part I (Lucid-E), Part II (Lucid), and Part III (Lucid-E)
Task 2: Part I (Lucid-E) and Part II (Lucid-E)
Task 3: Part I (Lucid-E), Part II (Lucid-E), Part III (Lucid-E), 2 Part 4’s (Lucid-E), and the Bonus (Lucid-E)

Personal Task One Accomplished : Find a Certain DC

SPOILER - Click to view

Forgot to mention that I understand about the Personal Task not giving Lucid bonus points. I just wanted to mention that I accomplished it in an LD… and sort of used the current task as an aid. :razz:

Had a brief lucid moment this afternoon. No longer than a minute.

I dreamt that some powerful evil man wanted to get rid of all the lucid dreamers lol. Somehow he got ahold of LD4all and blasted all of us into space. We were all floating in space screaming and holding our heads in pain. Our heads were gonna explode. :razz: The pain was very real, like a very sharp headache. I realized I was just dreaming shortly after and calmed myself but then the dream switches and I lose my lucidity.

I was DO in the dream at times, but I prefer you don’t count that. I don’t feel it’s fair for others that don’t dream the way I do.

Hi! I have a question about where my 65 points came from. I can understand the first 10 points, but I was expecting only a max of 50 points after my mirror dream (+30 for part 1 of task 3, +10 for getting somewhat lucid). But thanks for the points anyway :tongue:

Hi Jessica,
Here is a breakdown of your points so far. I have recorded you as wondering whether you’re dreaming for [color=green]+5 pts[/color], having a brief LD for [color=green]+10 pts[/color], completing Task 3 part 1 for [color=green]+30 pts[/color]. Additionally, because you finished Task 3 part 1 while it was the current task, you also got [color=green]+20 pts[/color] in an early bonus. That all adds up to 65 points that you have earned so far. If you have any other questions, let me know. :content:

One short lucid last night! First one in two months! :slide:

Had another lucid this afternoon, about a minute or two. Only flew, no different flying styles. Didn’t accomplish anything cos didn’t feel like doing anything really. :razz:

[spoiler]Starting from the middle of an ND. In the ND my family and I were getting ready for a cousin’s wedding which was oddly happening at night. I managed to find a dress and was given some strange knee-high boot/heel from my mum. Ready, I went downstairs only to find out my family left without me. I noticed my aunt in the guest washroom just cleaning herself up at the mirror. I asked her if she could drive me, she replies saying she could but she’ll be picking up another cousin. I had no other choice so I waited for her.

While I waited for her I walked over to my kitchen and decided to do a quick time RC, using the time on my oven. The time changes when I look back, but I don’t trust it and continue doing it. The time really messes with me. Sometimes it doesn’t change at all. [color=royalblue]I concluded I was dreaming in the end. I walked over to my family room’s window and busted it open. I stood at the sill and looked over at the time on my tv box thing. It was 9:30pm, looked back and it was 9:31pm. :bored: Looked back again, it was 9:30pm again. Inside I was kinda unsure if I should jump. But I threw the uncertainty aside and in my head thought, " If I die, then whatever" Lool.

I jumped out of the window and was plummeting towards the ground, but with willpower I lifted myself up. I was happy to be flying again. All I wanted to do was just soar around. And that’s what I did. I flew around my house which turned into a tall apartment building.

While I was just hanging out in the sky I hear an eerie continuous cry. It grabs my attention, I flew around trying to determine where this sound was coming from. I begin to see a bunch of tiny black dots forming around the building(or house). The sound comes from the top of a building next to “my house”, which was suppose to be my neighbor’s home. I floated above the building top and looked down to see a body of some sort in fetal position. I descended to take a closer look, but it vanishes as I got closer.

I go back to flying around but hear that eeriee cry once again, it’s not human. I trace that sound down. On one of the levels of the apartment, I looked through a glass to see a bird perched ontop of a bed… here I lose my luci[/color]dity and felt a huge pent up rage…I burst and slam my fist on the building (felt so hulkish). The building breaks apart, but it wasn’t like metal scraps falling, it was cubes.

The dream scene switches to another dream following the same theme, my cousin’s wedding. Pretty much all my dreams today had to do with my cousin’s wedding. The eerie cry was from watching Beowulf, Grendel the monster in the movie would make this sad/creepy cry. After watching I was wondering if I’d have a nightmare cos of it lol. [/spoiler]

4 min ld with one perspective change:

Had an LD here. It looked like a hint of the current LC may have made its way in there. (The way I saw myself as a physical DC) from my own perspective.