I’m not sure if I’m expected to keep the same definition of “grand” from one LD to the next, but I had a short LD here in which I saw my DCs spontaneously enact a coordinated dance number without any prior planning from me. I see that my biggest competitors also LDed this morning, so I’m going to need to do a lot more to stay competitive.
I completed the monthly Quest by finishing Quest 17 through a long LD. Now, in that Quest I looked up and saw the sky as an aquarium, which rocks, though I don’t know how to rate that on the current task . Either way, I didn’t earn any more points than last time, so LD points it is
So I saw something grand this morning. The grand thing being a futuristic city park of the future. Although I didn’t see it whilst lucid, I had a tiny pang of lucidity about 30 seconds towards the end
Two short LD’s.
By some miracle, I think i actually pulled off the bonus task.
I’d say the wormhole was pretty grand during my ND, but also the binding in my LD was pretty uh… pretty. (grand it’s own way, i would say)
I think I saw something grand in a ND last night, but I don’t know if it counts. I was, along with many others, waging war against those giant eagles from Lord of the Rings. They were winning .
I had an ND this morning that examined something in vivid detail. I discussed the dream in private with Scipio due to its subject matter.
Well since the cat is out of the bag for those who frequent IRC I suppose I’ll let everyone in on more of the finer points of the details.
I was hoping to make this challenge a goal to improve the “quality” of ones LDs over the “quantity” thereof. I recall having very few out of my recorded LDs in which the detail was superb and the images lasting. There are a few, yes, and sure it all feels lifelike, but the detail of it all is lacking… or at least the recalled detail.
So, I’ve put together a series of tasks to try to alleviate that problem. Hopefully. But before you read the second task I’d advise you read the following:
So… a heavy emphasis in all of the following tasks will be on the description you give to me of the event. The aim of this challenge is not to recall what happened in your LDs, but to recall HOW it happened. So, without further ado, here’s task two.
[title]Task 2: Sound[/title]
Countless numbers of my DJ entries feature a line like the following:
“Don’t recall the exact wording.” Other sounds, among dialogue, are also equally blurred. We recall “hearing birds chirping” but after awaking we can’t recall how that chirp sounded.
This week’s task will charge you with listening to the world around you. You will need to report on the quality, intensity, and fidelity of a sound or sounds.
[b]1. Hear a Conversation or Dialogue + 15
- Hear some Music or Singing + 20
- Listen to the Silence + 40
In order to gain points for this task you have to report about the sound and not just that you heard it. For conversation I’m looking for exact wordings, and other details like tone of voice. For music, while song lyrics can be reported, details about the instrumental such as its tempo can be reported as well as if it sounded familiar.
For the last, part, however, you will most likely have to be lucid. You will need to find a quiet place to stop and listen, and report the various sounds you heard. For all the task parts, however, detail is key so please include as much detail as you can.
[title]Bonus Task[/title]
Great job on the previous bonus! More people completed it than I thought would. This week’s bonus…
* Find the recipe for a pizza sandwich!
Find any kind of recipe your mind comes up with (for a “pizza sandwich”). In order to earn bonus points for this task more than once the recipe will have to be found differently each time.
This task will run for one week until approximately 6 PM EST, Sunday, September 1, 2013. Good luck!
First, the creativity points go to… Thorn! for his “Yoshi” method of laying an egg. I thought that it was very clever…
And now, the scores!
LC 38 Scoreboard
Thorn ( 575 )
HeadInTheClouds ( 400 )
LDbc12 (310 )
Lumessence ( 265 )
Rhewin ( 205 )
James_UK2008 (90 )
Letaali (50 )
Ecila6 ( 20 )
Mew151 ( 0 )
argon ( 0 )
catt ( 0 )
muccy ( 0 )
Jessica ( 0 )
Yev ( 0 )
Scipio Xaos ( 25 )
You may have noticed my name at the end of the list. While I will not be competing “officially” nor will I be eligible for creativity points, under the suggestion of a friend I will, in my own words, “get in the LC” for the heck of it.
Under no circumstance will I be eligible to host the next LC. I’m just curious (and would like the competition boost very much) about participating again. If anyone has any problems about this let me know. I’ll “remove” myself from the public scoreboard.
Alright, now I have realized what my username is, here is my entry thingy:
Name: Oleg / Average LD Time: 0.5 - 2 minutes / Personal Task: Telekinesis
Well now. Sound seems to be my most lacking of senses when it comes to recall, so this will be quite a challenge.
And I am actually not quite surprised at my score. Thorn, you may have been intimidated by my length and frequency of LDs, but as I had made mention of before, I do not have the discipline to complete goals and tasks.
I have a feeling I am going to fall behind rather quickly.
Also, with the way you explained it Scipio, I actually like what you’re doing here. Personally, it’s far more effective and beneficial for me than just simply trying to fly, or conjuring a giant candy cane.
Smell is the only sense that is lacking in my dreams and it’s my worst sense in waking life too. It might have been damaged, not sure. Sounds are present in many of my dreams and I recall often having conversations so this is a great task for me.
Last night I had a medium LD here.
In the later part of it I was listening to the silence.
I am not sure how you are going to score it since I described what I heard with the silence but I also heard music with it…
Well, what a shame - didn’t remember a thing…
Oh well, I’ll keep at it and see where I get. >:]
Edit: Hold on for a moment, am I actually in the challenge or not? I thought I was, but I don’t see my name on the list.
This morning’s DJ entry starts with a short LD that does not accomplish any tasks, then has an extremely vivid ND that has conversations, music, and singing. I wouldn’t recommend going through the awful sleep interruptions I had before these dreams just to get such dreams, as I woke up feeling like I was hit by a train.
Actually, the Task 2 Part 2 is “music OR singing”, so since my ND had me sing and then play music, I get credit twice, right? RIGHT?
/me is truited for asking when he knows the answer is “no”.
I had 2 Super Dreams. (ND) But only wrote about 1 of them, so that’s the only one that counts, right?
No LD’s tonight, but quite honestly I’m glad. These are the dreams that I do not want to interrupt.
Low profile bounty hunt
You wanted details… you got 'em
Also, as Lataali, I noticed that smell is probably my weakest… as it was non-existent in these dreams. I don’t recall any smells at all. Sound does not seem to be an issue when i actually pay attention to that when recalling…
I dare say I completed talk 1.
I heard a conversation/dialogue in one of my ND.
I was in a fictional high-school/college. The walls were all oddly painted different colors, with occasional vertical strips of sepia/brown that were supposed to be the unpainted parts. I was sitting on the floor with some random DC girl by one of the unpainted strips. At this point, Michael J. Fox comes up to us with paint and a paintbrush and asks if we’d like to volunteer to finish painting the school. I hesitate, but decide to do it, starting on the strip that I’m sitting by. As soon as I start, the girl that was sitting by me takes the paint and dumps it on me. I get mad and tell the principal, who was Michael J. Fox previously but looks different now, that he “needs to punish her because she keeps doing the same kind of stuff to me.” The girl and him are laughing, and he slightly stops laughing, but is having a hard time doing that. In a slightly gleeful voice, he tells the girl that “you’re suspended for a week… uh, no for two weeks.”
That was the best I could do for specific dialogue, as even IRL I tend to paraphrase what others have said. That should be pretty accurate, but may not be 100% accurate.
On a side note, because these tasks seem to need so much description, I may just have to open a Dream Journal for this LC. Also, are any of these tasks repeatable? It seemed like the bonus task this week is?
My Stats:
[spoiler]Short LD: 3
Chain: 1
Task 1:
–part 1 E
–part 2 L & E
–part 3 L & E
–Bonus L
Task 2:
–part 1 E
Combo pts: 1
LD4all Quest: Completed [/spoiler]
Conversations in my ND’s. Bartender didn’t want to make me a drink
And you wanted details. Well the quality was a male voice, intensity was normal speech 65dB or something, and fidelity was high.
Exact wording:
Me: A long island ice tea
Bartender: We don’t have ice
Me: Make it anyway
I had a FLD last night.
My stats:
[spoiler]FLD: 1
Short LD: 3
Chain: 1
Task 1:
–part 1 E
–part 2 L & E
–part 3 L & E
–Bonus L
Task 2:
–part 1 E
Combo pts: 1
LD4all Quest: Completed[/spoiler]
I had a normal dream here (second dream) with a fair bit of conversation. I can typically tell you about a DC’s tone of voice and some amount of actual words they said in any dream I have with enough dialogue, but often omit it for the sake of emphasizing which details are “important”. However, it seems like the rest of the LC is going to change how my DJ is written.