Lucidity Challenge 38: Awards Ceremony!

Last i had a lucid dream, but most of it is foggy and unclear since i had terrible recall last night. But I do remember it being pretty long (not the longest), so I’ll say it was a long LD.
The only task I remember completing is touching something. It was a carpet on a floor and it felt like, well, how a carpet should, soft with the stringy things and bunched up together.

I had two NDs with dialogue here.

Two ND’s

The first one I had a conversation with a guy who was ver’ mentally disabled who kept insisting I got to a strip club. I didn’t want to go but he made me. For whatever reason I was wearing these giant glove hands. They looked like leather but I remember them feeling like microfiber cloth when I took them off. There was a lot of loud music blasting in the background. And then I saw Miley Cyrus perform on stage… I went out of my way to avoid seeing that video so it found its way into my dream, and it was in unfortunately vivid detail >.<… the crowd was not pleased either XD.

The other dream involved Wyvern and I in a hotel room… Er… lemme try to keep this PG. We had a discussion, of course, mostly just “I love you” :razz:. I definitely saw… things that I’d consider grand in vivid detail <.< . And, on top of just the basic “touch” points, I felt something smooth, something warm, something quite… er… firm… As far as kissing goes I suppose I could add wet to the list. Hair, that is textured I suppose. But uh… yeah, just let me know if you need more detail than that and I can send a PM >.>

Both were ND’s though I did question if I was dreaming before getting distracted with Wyvern

Edit: I did just remember that in that first dream I was getting some kind of cream out of a bottle, and it had an extremely unusual feeling to it. Not quite liquid or solid. No easy way to describe it.

Medium LD from September 1st posted. (So it still qualifies for early points in regard to sound tasks, sorry for my slow posting.)
Dialogue, music, listened to silence.
Also completed the Quest.


Rhewin. :thumbs: :tongue:

Long ND, a few things accomplished. Lots of dialogue.

Abusing other’s power

I wrote three dreams worth a few LC points each in this morning’s DJ entry. The first dream is a short LD that loses and regains lucidity, but has no tasks done. The second dream has a heavy, smooth figurine forced into my hands that I hold briefly before getting rid of it (as I felt the weight and “knew” that it would tire my arms), as well as plenty of dialogue and seeing details about a product I find on a shelf. The third dream has dialogue and has me touch a plastic Slinky and get painfully pinched by it.

In a medium LD here I touched something and also had a conversation.

I accomplished a few tasks here. The first is a short LD in which I did not complete any tasks. In the third dream, I touched something hot, and I had a, strange, conversation…

Today’s DJ entry was an odd one. I hear some dialogue in the first dream. The second dream is less clear on how it scores: can “listen to the silence” points be earned as a DO in an ND? The silence was definitely noticeable and was setting up for the next thing that happened — having a giant come out of nowhere, which is a “grand” sight according to Google (1. “magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style.”). The second dream also has dialogue.

Both of my dreams this morning had dialog.


Hey. Not to undermine this competition that is still going on. I was wondering when this one is going to be over and the sign up for the next one begin? I couldn’t find a date.

These challenges typically last seven weeks, so this one will probably end and have its scores tallied on the week of October 6th, provided that the task master doesn’t delay things for real-life issues. The next one will start as soon as the winner of this one is ready to host the next one and can get enough competitors, which usually takes another week or so.

Holy frapping mother parkers. 7 is a lot of weeks. I was wondering how you guys got so many points when I looked at the previous totals and the winners and all. I am excited, but impatient. :meh:

You guys don’t need another person to jump in do you? :razz:

I had an ND here where I got to do Task 2 again. I heard music playing, Backstreet Boys I Want It That Way. I was still humming it when I woke up.

Wyvern: Wow… Doubled your points on that first one there. :razz:

Thorn: This part is a little more directed at everyone. I probably should be more general (or specific depending on how you look at it :tongue: ) in giving the tasks as my intentions seem to get masked by people assuming the direct and literal meaning of what I say. That being said warm / cold refers to temperature in general, and texture refers to the general feel of an object (smooth, soft, etc…) I leave unusual up to your own interpretations.

Lumessence: In one of your DJ entries… I would never had known what you were talking about if you hadn’t mentioned my name. I have only been reading the DJ entries that have been posted in this thread (cause I’m a “lazy” TM :razz: ), but when I saw “No Scipio, it was not you this time either.” I was confused… I read back, and, well… I don’t know what to say besides you slipped up in your “Naturally I am not going to say, but it was someone I am not truly familiar with.” :razz: (If I’m connecting your posts right, that is.)

Oh, and could be more specific as to which tasks you are claiming here? I’m having difficulty telling. Specifically which task parts are in which dreams. Sorry for this being so late. :sad:

Same for this one. I could guess while reading, but I’d like it if you claimed which tasks you think you accomplished. If you would rather defer me to interpreting I’ll do my best, but I might not pick up on things you noticed as you had the dream yourself.

Rhewin: Since you completed your personal goal, please select a new one or you can decide to attempt the same one again. Whatever your decision, please post in your next post on here. :smile:

Thorn: I’ll give you points for listening to the silence while DO. Even though IWL if one doesn’t have ears one can’t hear, in a dream, just cause you don’t have a body doesn’t mean the senses stop working. Especially Sight and Sound. Senses are still absorbed normally while DO. It’s even indicated in the name: Disembodied Observer. While it might be more difficult to touch, taste, or smell while DO, if you somehow managed to get stimuli for those senses I’d accept them (when the task for the currently missing ones goes up, of course).

BrandonBoss: Hiya! Yes, Thorn is right. The competition will be ending in just over four weeks. :wink: However! Since I’m doing a “rolling entry” of sorts, as long as there are less than 20 contestants in the competition, more may join. Therefore, there’s four spots left.

NOTE, though, that since you’re joining late you would be three weeks behind the other contestants. Also, you won’t be eligible for things that have expired (like Task 1 and Task 2 bonus tasks, and the early points for Tasks 1 and 2). You can still, though, join and give it your best shot! Who knows? If you’re really lucky you might do better than you expected!

That being said, I’d recommend reading the first post in the thread if you haven’t yet to make sure you understand the rules. If you wish to join all you have to do is post a reply in here saying that you want in along with your:

  • Average LD length (time)
  • Personal goal

I won’t accept dreams had prior to joining the competition so if you want in you should sign up as quickly as you can! :happy:


It feels kinda good to be back. Now I hope I won’t disappear yet again.

Question: Can I still get points from doing previous tasks? Not the bonus tasks, but just the normal tasks in general.


BrandonBoss/5-7 minutes/Fight with a sword

I am excited! I love competitions! I’ll look through the rules and all when posting my dreams tomorrow. Naps count as well, right? I take too many naps to get my sleep schedule back on track.

Only three weeks behind, 31 nights… I’ll have to beat some records of mine.

SPOILER - Click to view

Three dreams with points this morning here.

The first dream was a medium-length LD with dialogue, simple tactile sensations (steering wheel), temperature and texture sensations (from rubbing my hands for stability), and touching something “unusual” (the back of a man’s throat). After the lucidity ended, I heard game music.

The second dream had dialogue. It was during a section of the dream that was a bit too raunchy for my DJ, but I am happy to explain in private as usual if necessary. The third dream had dialogue that is stated in the journal entry.

1 short lucid (3 or 4 minutes)
tactile in lucid, when pushing my hand through a wall and tactile in a ND when holding a weird feeling sign.
They are all posted here:

stupid dream character always steals my goals. Tried to do something about it, didn’t quite make it to RDC though.

The first dream here is an FLD in which I see something “grand” (the entire environment in the second paragraph) as well as touch something “unusual” (sugar as grass). I taste it as well, but that’s not good for anything for two more nights.

The second dream there has many crazy things going on, but “see something crazy” isn’t a task, so it’s devoid of points.