Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

yeah, pretty boring LDs. :razz: Sorry about that. I try to do something awesome in all LDs, but some of them are too short to do anything amazing. :meh:

BrandonBoss, you don’t have to apologize. :tongue: Everybody has some dull LDs; for example, my most recent LD broke a nine-day dry spell but was just me walking around my house and interacting with my dream family.

As a question to everybody, I’ve been considering holding occasional discussions about the LC via Skype or Mumble. While we can talk about the LC in our IRC chat room, I feel that a voice chat might feel more important or just seem more personal and motivational. Would anybody be interested in such a thing, and if so, when? While Monday and Wednesday afternoons are bad for me, most other times are plausible.

[color=olive]A short LD and an FLD. Updating at the moment.
Haha I met my partner sooner than expected and failed to complete the script task. I believe Brandon was in the process of completing the script when I had arrived to the playground.

-Me and a group of DC friends dealing with this mad man wielding a hunting knife who had been following my group during our road trip.
-Robbing this bank and being the distraction. In the end I believe I lose my cut due to my consciousness fading partially causing me to make dumb mistakes.

Koharo, hopefully you meet him so easily after Task 2 goes up on Tuesday!

Scores are updated.

Had a dream where I was wondering if I was was dreaming, although the dream is really fuzzy and hard to remember. I know I was on the LD4all forums, but at the same time I was trying to summon Yev like it was a LD. I’m very frustrated that I haven’t had a LD yet. I hate it when I get these dry spells. :grrr:

I had a medium LD :cool: Will post after work

HeadInTheClouds, I know that feeling. As the last LC drew to a close, my LDing rate took a dive, and I’m desperate to get it back to where I want it. Even though I can’t affect James_UK2008’s score in any way, being partnered with him does make me want to LD harder; I want to act as if I’m in the competition during Task 2 even if I can’t score anything. Hopefully, you being partnered with Yev causes you two to motivate each other!

Siiw, I’ve marked the scoreboard to include a medium LD. When you post the dream, I’ll check for other points and add any that are found.

Scores are updated.

No good tonight.

I was beginning to believe I could pull into competition with the others.

I’m up for that skype/mumble thing if anybody’s else that’s cool if not it’s ok anyways ^.^

i wasn’t putting much effort into lding nor it ever made any difference. i fail to get motivated by something. :confused: as far as i can recall, since the sign up had at least 2 flds.

demented, what’s this about singing now? I can give at least 10 points, by which I mean exactly 10 points.

Scores are updated.

EDIT: He fixed the typo, so now my post makes no sense. Aw… :sad:

[color=olive] A single FLD

Other than that an ND teaming up with Sonic and Tails which won’t count for anything sadly, but I’m at least glad to have experienced it.[/color]

Koharo, your five points are added.

I called the script task earlier today but forgot to post it. Real life hit me like a brick about five minutes before I was going to post it, so I was more than a bit distracted. It fell out of my scrollback before I could post it. Luckily, Scipio still had it.
19:57:44: !ideaLC 19:57:45: LC participants, in your next LD, you should smell your nasty toes while in a desert and in the form of an ant!
I’ll give an extra day for this one to ensure that people have a chance to see it.

Scores are updated.

sign up! D:

Two short LDs last night. Can’t type them up, and am willing to lose the points if I need to. :razz: I am not typing them up. Three FLDs, will post those later. I killed too many people in dreams last night. I watched WWZ last night, and instead of getting Zombie dreams, I just got violent dreams.

BrandonBoss, it’s fine; I believe you. I’ve added them into the scoreboard.

Task 2 and a bonus task will go live in 10 minutes. Here are the guesses I made as to the partnerships I’d see:
Mew151/Scipio Xaos
I’ll post the actual partnerships along with the task. I was way off!

Today’s script task:
LC participants, in your next LD, you should DO A BARREL ROLL while in a mime’s invisible box and in the form of a snake!

Scores are updated.

Task 2: Friendship

I was thinking of writing some touching spiel about friendship to introduce this task. However, many of you were completely afraid to ask for a partner and were absolutely shocked when somebody else asked for you (this is why my predictions were so far off). Therefore, the message is lost, and we’ll just get on with the task. :tongue:

If you’re somehow still in the dark about all of this, the pairs were decide as:
Scipio Xaos/Mew151

The goal of this task is to envision your partner as a DC and to act upon your six desires. You can get help with your own desires, help your friend with his/her desires, experience your friend’s desires, and have him/her experience your desires. In the following task, we refer to events in your dream using your partner as a DC, not to your partner using you as a DC in his/her dreams. The desires in question are the ones you posted during your sign-ups; you may not use your personal goal or other goals you have or that your friend has.

The following points can be earned once per dream:* Meet your partner in-dream: 10 points for the first dream, and 5 points for subsequent dreams
The following points can be earned for the desired action, setting, and form once each:* Have your partner help you finish one of your desires (e.g., he/she bestows an ability on you, opens a portal to your goal location, changes your shape, gives you an item that does these things, etc.): 20 points

  • Use your dream control skills to get your partner to finish one of his/her desires: 20 points
  • Experience one of your partner’s desires, via your own dream control or with help from your partner: 20 points
  • Have your partner experience one of your desires, via your own dream control or by his/her own doing: 20 points
    Notice that there’s a maximum number of times you can earn points from desires, but you’ll be able to earn a few points by meeting your partner in a dream at ANY POINT during the LC. Think of ways to get multiple instances of the 20 points within one dream, and think of how you might be able to mix things with Task 1 for additional points!

EDIT: A few stipulations, as there’s some overlap:* James, you can’t change me into my desired form or your desired form to get credit for your desired action, nor can you have me change you into either form, as there’s clearly overlap between the tasks. If you change me into something else or change any other DC into something, then it’ll count as your desired action. You are of course welcome to have us change each other for the desired form points, though!

  • StarryGwee and Siiw, when you two have the other DC act on the “extended senses”, I need an indicator that the DC managed it. It can be a visible aura around the DC, or the DC can describe things that require the extended sense, or anything of the sort. I just need proof.
  • IkranMakto and ian1, simply meeting up does not count as meeting somebody on IRC, as there’s already points for meeting a partner. There needs to be a third LD4all member involved if you’re going towards the desired action by that route.
    In general, acting on one desire can lead to another being done, but one action cannot complete two desires at once by its very nature. This is just to be fair to everybody.

Bonus Task: Dream Chemistry

Who likes games? Who would like a high risk, high reward task? If you said “yes” to these questions, then here’s the task for you! This is worth no early points or combo points and will run for the duration of the LC. It will require FOUR LDs before it will be worth any points whatsoever, cannot be used for combo, lucid, or early points, and will require good dream control. However, managing all four is worth a whopping 400 points! It’s a great diversion if you don’t like a task or if you finish one early and score well enough to not care for the few repetition points, or if you see a way to merge it with a point-worthy task to progress towards the 400 point payoff without sacrificing short-term points.

I have prepared twelve types of potions — clear, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, brown, black, and white — and have made two doses of each type. Each potion will give you some ability in your LDs. In the first of the four LDs, you are to find exactly ONE dose of a still-available potion and drink it, thus preventing any other competitor from drinking that dose. If on a given night more people drink a dose of a color than there are doses remaining, I’ll be fair and allow all of those people to have it, arbitrarily removing doses of other colors to keep the count correct. The second LD will have you try your new ability, the third will have you use that ability in a more radical way, and the fourth will have you show off you ability to your partner. I will not outright say what any of the potions do except via PM after you drink it, but we’ll play a game of 20 Questions to help you decide which one you want!

For those of you unfamiliar with 20 Questions, the name is pretty explanatory — you may ask me any 20 questions about the potions that I can answer with a “yes” or “no”. You can ask about the potions in general (e.g., “Do any of the potions do X or Y?”) or a specific one (e.g., “Does the blue potion deal with an ability similar to Z?”). You can ask in #ld4all, in /msg on IRC, in forum PMs, or in the group incubation doc’s respective page, and I will respond via the same medium. Please don’t flood this topic with one-line posts for questions. Of course, 20 questions won’t be enough to handle 12 potion types, so you’ll need to think about how you share the information you learn with other competitors (so that they can ask more specific questions) or if you should pick a dose blindly or on a hunch in an LD to prevent other players from drinking it.

Do you aim for the exciting abilities, or the “easy to do in a dream” abilities? Do you try to make deals with your competitors to share information, or do you remain secretive? Do you try to find out information for your own sake, or do you scoop up a potion dose that your opponents want? Do you take the time to learn any information, or do you go at it blind just to get one quickly? Do you and your partner try for both doses of the same potion, or do you try different ones? Do you try this task at all, or do you think that trying to have four LDs with exactly the right dream control is too risky? There are many decisions to be made…

I have uncovered that these potions do this :
Black = fire
Orange = strength

Also I have 2 questions remaining if anyone needs some extra.

for even more love shared, would be also helpful to see all the questions you asked and answers you got D: