Lucidity Challenge 42—Winner: Wyvern!

Task 7: Dragons! RAWR!

For some reason, lucid dreaming sites tend to attract a lot of interest in dragons, and LD4all is no exception. Given the ability to be anything or meet anybody in dreams, the idea of a magical, mythical, and powerful creature becomes very appealing, and dragons often embody all three of these characteristics, whether in the air, on land, or underwater. Several LD4all users have used dragons as their online identities, so if you don’t see the fascination, why not find them in your dream and ask directly? Even more directly, why not be a dragon and find out? Coming in all shapes and sizes, there’s sure to be one that fits you perfectly.

As per recent LC tradition, there’s a large number of points available in the last week, although there is no single “golden snitch” subtask. Make this week count; it’s your last chance to secure your lead over somebody… or lose it!

  • Ride a dragon through the air or through water: 60 points
  • Expel a force of nature from your body, e.g., breathe fire, shoot lightning, create gale-force winds by moving your body, etc.: 50 points
  • (Bonus for winning Task 6) Hatch an egg and see a baby dragon come out: 40 points
  • Meet an LD4all member other than your LC host who uses a dragon or half-dragon persona or avatar in his or her draconic form: 60 points
  • Visit a setting associated with Eastern dragons (e.g., a Chinese village, mountains, a parade, etc.) or Western dragons (e.g., a castle, caves, etc.): 50 points
  • Become a unigon or dracorn (as described here) or a dragon of any style and size you desire other than a kind you frequently become in dreams (if you frequently become one at all): 60 points
  • Controlling wings is common for dreamers, but what about other limbs? Use a prehensile tail to grab something you would otherwise pick up with your hands: 50 points
    With respect to the Team Dream, it’s the final week; any Team Dream conversation runs the risk of being self-serving instead of team-serving, and the only remaining reward in the LC is the individual reward of getting to host the next LC, so making Team Dreams could be a bit difficult. We also have had issues with the Traveler team all but disappearing and with the Action team getting Team Dreams decided with less than half of them agreeing. With these things considered, there will be no Team Dreams this week. :sad: That said, there’s one DC that can be summoned for points in most LCs, and this LC hasn’t had those points available yet! It’s time for…