Lucidity Challenge 48 - Task 3 - VampireVolfGame

Wow… I did not expect to make progress so quickly. Last night I really focused on the “explore a castle” subtask. I ended up having a Short LD where I went inside a castle. When I woke up I was so excited that I typed it up on the computer, in the middle of the night. Here is the LD . Sorry for the bad grammar/ awkward phrasing.

"There were many of us, and we were looking for people. They were “wanted” for something. We approached an area with a bunch of small mini huts, which surrounded a small stone fortress. Everyone was checking the small huts for the wanted people. I was drawn to the fortress for some reason. It was made of stone, but had unnatural colouring. It was neon blue, pink, yellow, etc. Something was special about the fortress… I couldn’t remember what. I saw a man move in the window of the fortress. I started jumping up and down, telling everyone that I saw the people we were looking for in the fortress. They just ignored me and continued looking through the huts. I was angry that they wouldn’t listen. None of this was making much sense; why were they ignoring me? What was with the castle? It was at this moment, I gained lucidity; I realized I was dreaming, and everything made sense. I walked back towards the people, this time with more confidence and thought, “this is my dream! They have to listen to me!” … when I got there I said “couldn’t we have checked the castle by now?”. Suddenly everyone listened to me and walked towards the fortress. They went inside in search of the “wanted people”. I went in after them all as well. I was walking down the main corridor… It was at this point, that everything started to collapse. But not like how you would expect a castle to collapse. The fortress sort of “deflated” like how a tent would fall after you pulled a peg out. During the collapse of the castle, I saw one of the wanted people in front of me. Their face looked pained, and in agony, as if their life was about to end. I slowly lost lucidity in the confusion, and the dream faded shortly after.// "

I used the word “fortress” and “castle” interchangeably in the DJ. Hopefully this can qualify for some points! :spinning:
Best of luck!

No points from me today, sadly, but I did just notice that your post said Scipio scored the first points. What did I miss in my castle dream on the previous page that made it not qualify for the points? I’ve been having plenty of dreams themed after a tabletop RPG campaign in which I’m involved, so I’d like to know what exactly is needed so I don’t post unnecessary dreams of castles.

Congratulations, Thorn, you win the Golden First Points Prize :happy:

Shame on you, Scipio Xaos, for tricking me into not reading Thorn’s post :razz:

Guys! We have a score sheet!


If you have a hard time opening OneDrive, let me know and I can send you your scores.

oh I wish. Being so exhausted is causing me to sleep like the dead (and not remember dreams to top that off), that is when I’m finally getting to sleep. I usually have insomnia but being sicker is making the insomnia worst. The more exhausted I are, the more trouble I have in getting to sleep and I’m certainly not wanting to wake myself up in middle of night seeing I’m having issues with getting to sleep.

When I’m doing well with this stuff I can remember 7-9 dreams a night. Last night I couldn’t remember any and its been that way most nights since I’ve got sicker. I got a few tricks up my sleeve which I haven’t tried before to try to evoke a LD seeing I cant WILD currently (I’m about to go and it a daytime try, I used to be able to during the day but haven’t done that for ages).

I used to have a tulpa who I’ve previously programmed to help me to LD but I never needed to use him for that, so I’m going to over the next week work on connecting with him and ask him to help me with my LD.

I wanted to do reasonably well with this challenge though I hadn’t been working on LD for a while too much life stuff going on. (I may have to accept I’m not going to currently do well with it but who knows, if my LD ability hits back in I should do well with it).

Funny you say that as I once had a false awakening (I don’t get many of those) with a mad barking furry dog in it too. I’d long forgot about it till you mentioned it as it was quite a time ago. I dreamed I’d been staying at a friends house and was sleeping on their couch and this barking woke me up.

Anyway… off to bed for me to try for a daytime WILD.

explored a castle, upped my lucidity, got experimented on |:
all that and more written in the journal + my plan to fight Thorn!
this lucid stands to show how much a made up story line can effect our dreaming lives.

also in here there is … something else… very interesting.


Medium LD last night in which I invented a transformation ray formed from chocolate and a pistol. Then I experimented on the resultant giant dog animal to make it more horse like.

Also last night, in ‘normal’ dreams:
Turned raisins into post it note type paper. i.e. changed it’s physical properties for the Alchemy task.

I was in a stone dungeon basement type place. It had the feeling of a castle dungeon, torch lit and made of dark stone. Didn’t see the structure from the outside. Possibly just a near miss on the castle task?

Met a cyborg life form with a mechanical speaker for a mouth and car lights grafted on him for the Exploration task. He ‘spoke’ in mime because his speaker mouth would make too much noise.

I healed a kid, but not with any of that mumbo-jumbo magic stuff, just willpower, so no points there? Does it have to be a magic ritual? Felt good though.

was lucid for some time at one of 3 dreams, nothing lc related.

Another short one… This one was even shorter than the last. Still, it was a lucid. :razz:

Apocalypse Gunfights ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so Far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0

Task 1: ~ none ~

@Awe: Wow, very impressive dream. LC aside I bet it was fun as heck! I do need to know how long you would count that dream. It looks like it is long, but for all I know it’s average for you. Please tell me if that LD is short, medium (your average LD length), or long. Until you do, I am counting it as medium. Also, for experimentation you would need to be the one who does the experiment. It’s even ok if you experiment on yourself (though that won’t get you the extra team member bonus), but you need to do the action.

@obfusc8: Taking an early lead I see! Very well done. I can definitely count the dungeon if you felt like it was a castle’s dungeon. Also, the only magic task that needs a ritual is the summon magic, so points there two. Half points, though, for being on the science team.

@demented: I need to know how long the lucid dream was. Short, medium, or long? I will count it as medium until you say otherwise.

The loopholes and useful info post has been updated to explain the experimentation task further.

Scores are updated

[u]Team Participation Rate[/u]
Team participation is the average number of tasks completed by the members of a team. I go mainly off of the the number of tasks completed versus the number of tasks available, but I will also present the average number of tasks done per member. Since this round has 10 tasks available per person, the percentage and the average will be similar.

Science Team: 8.9% (.89 tasks per member)
Magic Team: 2.85% (.28 tasks per member)

i wrote the length of it in my journal, i updated it in the bottom, so you might have checked before i did so.
the over all dream was long but at the point where i went to the Crossroads i got too involved in the plot and didnt maintain my lucidity so its a bit hard to say about the time.
the whole castle phase is around 5 min so id say medium, if you count the entire dream so yes it was long but not my longest.

i figured the experimentation wouldnt count, no worries ^^

do we get points for weirdness like hallucinations and when you feel like someone is touching your physical body? hehe

And yes! it was really fun =D

:cry: . Last night though I’d told myself previously I wouldn’t do this due to my insomina, out of desperation to have some points in my name I tried WBTB anyway. I woke up at 4am, stayed awake for 30 mins before going back to bed to try to WIlD and it dreadfully failed, I was still laying awake in bed unable to get back to sleep again still at 8am in the morning (I never got back to sleep again). I wont be doing that again.

So now also trying to use some self hypnosis into my attempt to have WILDS again.

I did a drawing/painting of myself in our team wear for this challenge, which I’ll put up here when I get my scanner going (which probably wont be till Thursday).

Awe, that was a great dream.

The place with water you were thinking of, maybe you were also thinking of another place which online people used to use as a meeting place for astral projectors/lucid dreamers. The pyramid on a tropical island that is surrounded by water (I forget now what its called, I met someone there one time when I doing OBE).

One of dem ‘Am I Dreaming’ moments that I failed to capitalise on. No tasks. Just zombies. Lots of zombies and a demon woman. :cool:

I found some fairies! Does that count for the Exploration subtask? They were pretty clearly Zelda inspired, not like my pure imagination, but the dream felt pretty exploration-y and I definitely observed them.

I had another LD. Im proud of myself because I have never had two LD 's this close together before!

To summarize my DJ, I basically was outside the building where I work with my IRL girlfriend (but she was just a dream character, not shared dreaming or anything like that). I explained to her that I was just dreaming, and she didn’t seem to mind… her response was just “okay” and that was it… however, there was another guy I know IRL behind me and he was the exact opposite of my gf. He started yelling at me saying that its a bad idea to lucid dream because its bad for your health, and you never get a good sleep, and you die early, etc. I tried to point out to him that his logic was flawed but he wouldn’t listen to me… stubborn Dream character. lol.
I did attempt to complete my personal goal for the LC in the dream, but I didn’t come no where close. I tried to fly to outer space but got distracted because the stars were really HUGE in the night sky. I just got distracted and hovered, I didn’t even make it 100 meters in the air.

Recap ; Had a short lucid dream, tried to attempt my personal goal, but didn’t come close.

I had two lucid dreams as posted here. The first one is a medium-length one, and the second one is a long one despite having less words than the previous one—it was simply very dull. I tried many LC subtasks but failed repeatedly.

I noticed that the latest subtasks per member update wasn’t aligned with multiples of 1/8 (.125, .25, .375, etc.) despite the teams each having 8 people, and I looked more closely to realize that stari-maga was originally on the Magic team but is shown on the score sheet as having moved to the Science team. Did stari-maga move on her own, has the Science team resorted to kidnapping our members, or is Rhewin conspiring against the Magic team? In any of these cases, I am shocked! Appalled! ANGRY!!! :grrr:

nothing still but I got close to having a WILD this morning, was drifting in and out getting short dream pictures or scenes (daydreams) before awareness kicking in again. So I wouldn’t forget the symbolism (and cause I’m working currently on my dream recall which of late has been poor), I was waking myself up and taking notes in real life after each scene and then putting myself straight back into the day dream state again. (good practice).

I was trying to go into castle scenes but my subconciousness was just interested in my pond each time it started to dream. First scene I was in was at my pond and seeing something was there, on closer look on lifted up a lily leaf and to my surprise a tiny little frog was sitting there of a type I don’t have in RL in my pond so was thinking “what’s that kind of frog in my pond for?” (though my waking consciousness was there thinking normally, I was unaware I’d slipped briefly into a dream so cant call it a LD and immediately came out of it when I came properly conscious . After noting in journal by bed, second try to get castle, I wasn’t like there and just that time saw my pond drained out.

Short vivid daydreams can be a precursor to me having a WILD though usually a short one after this kind of thing… but then my phone rang!! and someone was on their way to my house so there went that.

Happy I just got close after a few days of nothing at all.

Well, I’m amazed. I slept two hours last night, because I’m sick and have trouble sleeping. Had to get up early for a meeting with a teacher then got home and went straight back to sleep. My only “technique” was telling myself that I’ll become lucid.

I had a long lucid dream where I attempted a task. I tried to heal my roommate, but I only made my flesh transparent and emit green light. Then I told my roommate about the frozen planet and asked him for help, but he did nothing. The lucid dream had a weird start and end that I’ll share in my DJ, but I doubt anyone really wants to read.

Sea-dove you can OBE but you cant WILD? or is it that you just had a one time experience of OBE and cant do it willingly? did you made sure it was an OBE and not a LD which felt like an OBE? in other words you can feel as if youre leaving your body like an OBE would be but actually your in a LD, you can make sure of that when you see people can actually see you flying around.
and! if youre doing a back to back, since you have trouble falling asleep, instead of waking up for 30min you can just stay in bed but turn your body to a position in which its hard for you to fall asleep, dont be alarmed if you find yourself in the in-between state, that works a lot for me.

Letaali, you saying you doubt anyone would read your dreams, makes me want to read your dreams.

Short LD followed by a Medium WILD. In the second one, I lost lucidity for a little while then regained it.

I had the setup for the joust, but my stupid work alarm interrupted… so no tasks. :neutral: