Lucidity Challenge 50—obfusc8 wins!

Only two more weeks to go! Let’s all dream hard!

[spoiler]Another week, another time to follow Thorn to some location or another for new tasks. This week, you’re all in a forest. You could’ve sworn it was midday just a few minutes ago, though, yet it’s suddenly the dark of night with a full moon overhead. You weren’t told horror would be part of this LC, and you hope it stays that way. Nightmares really aren’t your cup of tea.

“So, as far as I know,” says Thorn, “this form I’m in is half-dragon and half-unicorn… and if obfusc8’s dreaming of me, half-dinosaur… and sometimes half-wolf if Wyvern’s dreaming of me… and…”

“That’s more than two halves,” says the same participant who has been an annoyance since the first day.

“Yes, and this is a dream. Math doesn’t work properly anyway,” retorts Thorn. “That’s why I keep making scoring mistakes. Clearly. No other reason. That’s all.”

“Anyway,” Thorn begins again, "this week we’ll be finishing up a theme that went unfinished back in LC 48. Your goal will be to turn into vampires, werewolves, or other monsters, just as we did two LCs ago. There’ll be no murdering each other this time around, though. Instead, your teams will be based on what you become: a werecreature or a less animalistic monster. I won’t take average points per member for results this week; the team with the most points will win. That means your best bet for winning is to get cursed twice before week’s end, as you’ll be on two teams!

The group is completely quiet. The creepiness of the surrounding forest seems to have silenced everybody.

“Becoming these monsters is the tricky part. For that, well… catch me if you can!” Thorn darts off into the forest, leaving the group alone in the thick of night. The group is still for a moment, possibly confused. A sudden rumbling from the ground startles the group and wildlife, awakening a group of bats that whizzes right past the group. After a small freak out, the group darts off in the general direction Thorn went.[/spoiler]
Week 6: Aaahh!!! Dream Monsters

What a wonderful week to have a curse! Teams this week are based on which type of monster you become during the tasks: a werecreature or a less animalistic monster. You can do both tasks (in separate dreams) to get onto both teams. Since everybody can get onto any team at any time, there will be no averaging to adjust for team size; the team with the most points will win. If you don’t get either task done, then you’re not considered to be on a team. If you do tasks before getting onto a team, your points will transfer to your new team.

I was originally going to require half-animals for character choices, but I relented when people began requesting people and aliens. Consider this a second chance to have a half-animal character, as once you become a werecreature or other monster for this week, you can become the same thing to earn any character bonuses for tasks (except for “Become your character” from Week 1). For werecreatures, you don’t need to be something traditional such as a werewolf. Be whatever you like; for example, I rather enjoy becoming a dragon-man in my dreams (it’s an LD4all custom, after all), and if a werehamster strikes your fancy, go for it.

There’s also an interesting gimmick in some of the subtasks for this week. Initially, if you want the maximum amount of points, you’ll need to get a curse from me. However, as people acquire the curses themselves, they’ll become resources as well. More people doing the tasks means more options for the next participants! You needn’t become the exact same thing as the werecreature or other monster that bit you, e.g., I can bite you with my half-dragon self and you can become part squirrel or something if you like. That said, you can only receive each curse once, so once you get points for the main task, you can no longer go back to get subtask points you missed. Will you claim points only when you’ve done the task and subtasks perfectly, or will you take what you can get immediately? Choose wisely!

Explore a forest: Whether you’re on the ground or flying in and out of the canopy, checking out woods in your dream will get you these points. 20 points

Explore a castle: No, not a sandcastle as before. Explore an actual castle this time. 20 points

Explore a graveyard/cemetery: Here’s one more setting-based task for those of you who don’t want to become werewolves or vampires or the like for whatever reason… but why wouldn’t you? 20 points

Witness a full moon: The full moon may be more associated with werecreatures than other monsters, but somehow there always seems to be one in the sky even if werecreatures aren’t involved. Who knows; maybe it’ll make your monstrous self feel stronger! 20 points
Available after gaining a curse:* Draw power from the moon for a visible or tangible change in yourself: 30 points
Become a werecreature: You can force the transformation by willpower, but you’ll get more points (as noted below) for being bitten. You cannot earn points for being turned into a werecreature and other monster for the first time within the same dream, and you can only earn points for this task ONCE, so think carefully about if you want to claim the task without earning the points below. After all, once you have the curse, it doesn’t just disappear! 40 points* Get bitten by a werecreature to initiate the transformation: 30 points[list][]Get bitten by an LC member/host who already has the curse: 30 points
:m][/list:u]Become a vampire/zombie/mummy/etc.: The exact same rules apply as for the werecreature task. 40 points* Get bitten by such a monster to initiate the transformation: 30 points[list][]Get bitten by an LC member/host who already has the curse: 30 points
:m][/list:u]Available after gaining a curse:
Spread the curse to another DC: Sink your fangs into a victim and see the change happen before your eyes! If you don’t see the change, then you get no points. 40 points* Assist a cursed LC member/host with cursing the masses: 40 points
Okay, go nuts! This is your last chance to win a leg and get onto the cooler team for the final week!