Lucidity Challenge 53 - winner GenghisKhan!

Lucid dream, long duration (6 minutes or so) in which M. sends me a bunch of flowers and I give him a box of chocolates.

I claim the points for:

  • Receive flowers (while lucid)
  • Give a DC a box of chocolates (while lucid)

Non-lucid dream, in which I whack a monster with a steel bar.

I claim the points for:

  • Hold a traditional weapon (this is basically a martial arts weapon. e.g. hanbo)
  • Hit something with the weapon
  • Get into a fight (assuming non-human monsters count for this task).

@Cornelia - It’s good, but it’s not enough! You’ve slipped to 4th place (although you are 1 sleep behind Susan & Koal due to timezone differences.

@Thorn - Heh… doh… it was a dream car, so crashing wouldn’t have mattered… oh well. :sad:

@Koal - Yep I will count the werewolf tf, as in a normal dream it can be difficult to determine/remember when exactly you change form.

@Susan_Y - (No need to double post, you can put multiple dreams and point claims in one, I’ll work it out. :content: ) Nice lucid, and it’s got you back into second place, but can you hold onto it until the end?

TO ALL CHALLENGERS: The challenge ends at 1pm GMT tomorrow, but there will be a 24 hr grace for you to type up dreams and claim any points earned before the deadline, with the winner and final scores announced on Thursday.

Scores are updated

Lucid dream, long duration (10 minutes subjective time), in which I explore a tropical forest, see a tiger, and ask a dream character out on a date.

I claim the points for:

  • Long duration lucid
  • Asking a dream character out on a date

This might also be a completion of:

  • Bring a child’s toy to life. I had wanted to meet “Tigger”, a toy tiger that I had. Tigger seems to have manifested as a majestic real tiger, worthy of the poem by William Blake or the painting by Henri Rousseau (Tiger in a Tropical Storm), so might not count for the task. The tropical forest was like something by Rousseau.

I’ve already done the “explore a forest” and “forest parkour” tasks, so no new points there; but the dream was possibly influenced by my memory of the tasks.

Long ND this morning, where I assault a train, then I embark on a very long road escape with different vehicles.

A short follow-up LD where I enter a bar and turn the music really loud to let the people dance and create some troubles to our pursuers.


I guess I can claim points for the Music side-quest, plus perhaps “Go to a party”, the bar filled with people dancing felt like one.

Right, that’s all folks!.. You have until 12pm GMT Thursday 11th February to claim any points earned before this post.

NOT claiming a small LD :smile:

haha too bad I have finally a new LD right after the end… :smile:

^^That’s just typical, Koal44 :smile:

Without further ado, the final scores:

  1. GenghisKhan - 2990
  2. Susan_Y 1190
  3. Koal44 - 1040
  4. Cornelia Xaos - 1010
  5. En’enra - 460
  6. James_uk2008 - 450
  7. Jer - 380
  8. Thorn - 350
  9. Pedro Sponchiado - 330
  10. Lumessence - 170
  11. Mew151 - 150
  12. Oleg - 140
  13. Drd - 30

Well, there’s no surprises on first place. Dominating the challenge all the way through, GenghisKhan has shown impressive dream control and a high rate of lucid dreams. I was going to add up how many tasks/subtasks completed, but gave up. It’s a lot. :tongue: Also Genghis completed every single genre on the side quest to experience a wide range of dream themes and locations. :mrgreen_hat:

Susan_Y and Koal44 are the runners up, and they both had some quality lucid dreams and task combos to rack up points. Also the top three dreamers all completed their personal goals, which IMHO, should be priority number one when you become lucid. I hope you got a sense of accomplishment from completing those goals. :ok:

On that note, a special mention to James_uk2008 for a particularly epic transformation that combo’d several of the tasks and his personal goal. Awesome. :cool:

Anyway, that’s enough from me. Congratulations to GenghisKhan and to everyone that took part, I hope you had fun. GenghisKhan, you get the option of hosting the next challenge.

Regrettably I won’t be taking part in the next one, as my wanderlust has taken over again: I’m off on a two week tour of China soon… :content:

Thank you obfusc8 for the praise :tongue:

As I said earlier, this was my first Lucid Challenge, so I am really proud of the result :smile:

Also, I had no idea of my relative performance, and I will take care to handicap my score in future Challenges, as to keep it fair and funny for everyone.

I am honored to have the chance to guest the next Challenge.
However, in all honesty, I am not too sure about all rules and conventions, and I have no idea of what kind of tasks have already been proposed in the past; let’s say, I feel a bit unprepared in hosting it.

That said, if everyone wishes to step up and host the next Challenge, post here, I will be glad to pass it :content:
If not, I will do my best to host a nice Challenge for everyone :content:

Hi Genghis,

If you don’t want to host the next challenge, I can do it.

Thanks Susan ! Up to you hosting the next Lucid Challenge then !

I will take some time for studying rules and previous challenges :content:

congrats to all who participated! :partying_face:

I know I wasn’t as active as I hoped to be during this challenge, but nevertheless I still had fun!

looking forward to LC #54! :cool:

Great LC everyone. Really nice to complete some of the tasks on this which makes a change for me. :smile:

Onwards to LC #54 :smile:

Yeah I found it great that so many people answered this week :happy:

Congratulation to all of you and especially to Cornelia who also did a great job in the LC with 14 LDs! I find the rate amazing in one month (Of course Gengis Khan did 18 but still!)

I got lucky with one big LD to be in front of you this time :happy:

I did have 14 LDs this LC didn’t I? :eek: I suddenly had a bunch the past two weeks… hoping they keep up. :happy:

Oh… and I’ll get you yet, Koal!!! shakes fist :razz: