Claiming Point for one ND.
Unfortunately it s quite blurry.
I can just say that at some point I was hugging a DC (romantic way) And she was pregnant.
Youhou with the early combo I still should be back ahead of Cornelia
Claiming Point for one ND.
Unfortunately it s quite blurry.
I can just say that at some point I was hugging a DC (romantic way) And she was pregnant.
Youhou with the early combo I still should be back ahead of Cornelia
@GenghisKhan - Yeah! Someone did the toy tf task! (And it was Optimus Prime, so it doubly rocks!) You also drove a train, and I sniggered at the hitting-a-cow part. (Although in my head, when reading that, it made a comedy “Mooooooo” sound and flew into the air. ) You are on to the Superhero genre.
@Koal44 / Cornelia - You two are just getting a kick out of making me have to keep switching the columns around, aren’t you?!
No “Mooo” sound, but it actually flew into the air (Carmageddon II style )
I’ve been a little busy these days, sleeping late, etc.
Had 2 ND’s that I don’t remember very well… The first, I talked to my younger brother, who is seven years old, but I can’t remember what he said… The second, I played soccer, surprising well. I can’t recall anymore. So claiming points to talking to child and playing a sport with balls.
obfusc8: I see you put points in there for witnessing a fight… I don’t recall witnessing a fight… XD Though I suppose this morning’s NLD would count for that.
@Pedro - Well, any recall is better than no recall.
@Cornelia - The full task description is witness or get into a fight, which didn’t fit on the scoresheet column. Must have given you points for the grass demon fight, or maybe something from an earlier entry, I don’t recall, but hey, it’s official now.
Apparently, there should have been a telekinesis task lately…
Apparently I Like Telekinesis - Short Lucid Dream
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NLDs: 6
Short LDs: 7
Medium LDs: 3
Long LDs: 3
Task 1:-E Ride in a Flying Vehicle, Pilot the Vehicle | Hold a Traditional Weapon, Use/Fire the Weapon | Ride in a Flying Vehicle (Lucid Bonus) | Explore a Forest or Jungle, & Forest Parkour
Task 2:-E Explore a Castle, Explore Below Ground, & Cast a Spell | Encounter a Mythical Creature | Witness or Get Into a Fight | Transform your Appearance | Ride a Train, Drive a Train
Task 3:-E Fly in/on Something that Shouldn’t, See a Chase / Race, Participate in the Chase, & Escape from Trap/Cell/Restraints
Task 4:-E Play a Prank on a DC | Explore a Bedroom, & Check Under the Bed
Task 5: ~ none ~
Awarded (Non-Traceable) Tasks: Witness a Fight
Side Quest: Super Hero Genre | Science Fiction Genre
@Cornelia - You already did the magic task 20 points?? Seriously?? Just enough to make you switch places with Koal again??!?
Awaiting Koal44’s 20 point counter-claim…
Shortly became lucid this morning, but no recall; also, during afternoon nap, but immediately woke up without recalling anything - didn’t even post in the DJ.
Just updating, not claiming any points…
EDIT Feb-7th: Posted a Long LD (LINK TO DJ) in which I become a super-hero, wearing a costume I design; then I fight the Moth-man’s robots army, go inside his ship, get grabbed by a giant tentacle and crunched by metal teeth.
I also explore the world of Just Cause 2, looking at very fine details.
I can claim points for:
@Pedro Sponchiado - Congrats on the lucid dream!
@GenghisKhan - You’re only missing one subtask from week one, which would be to find a deserted planet or moon. Really great work!
You can’t claim the horror subtask as you skipped over it. However the one after superhero is science fiction, easily covered by those Amazon spacecraft and mech suit battles. Other than horror, you have completed every other side task, but you will need to use a JUMP to get back there and give it another go. that’s if you want the points (and glory!) for doing every side mission.
Non-lucid dream in which I take a bus to a restaurant, in a city that might be Paris. It’s implied that I’m going on a date, but none of the “romance” tasks were done.
Er I must have missed something on the Side-quest mechanism lol
In any case, since I only miss Horror, I play the JUMP to it and have another try at it
Lucid dream, short duration (30 seconds) in which En’enra and i chase the necromancer in some kind of multiplayer game. I meet Arnold Schwartzenegger in the bit before I become lucid.
I claim the points for:
Can i count the chase as a game of tag with anothe LC paricipant?
Medium LD (LINK TO DJ) in which I land on the Moon, and especially face the Moth-man.
I try to overcome it non-violently. It sucks my head with its proboscis, then shapeshifts first into a giant scorpion, then a giant crab, and at last a horned demon.
The fight ends when I engulf the demon with a bright light emanating from my body.
I can claim points for
Non-lucid dream, in which I go to bed in a college room. (Sort of the reverse of a false awakening ).
I claim the points for the “explore a bedroom” task.
@Susan_Y - Grats on getting lucid. Chasing the necromancer counts for the Week 3 see a chase & participate task/subtask, but not for the Playground Week 4, as I doubt you were going to just touch him and shout “IT!” when you caught him.
There’s just 20 points between you, Koal44 and Cornelia Xaos. And only 2/3 sleeps remaining before the end of the challenge. Who will claim second place?
@GenghisKhan - Congrats on finishing all the side missions and week 1 tasks, that’s impressive work. You are back onto ‘Musical’ side quest as that follows on from Horror. Also, as Moth-man declared he was planning on world domination, he counts as a super villain, marking off the Week 3 subtask. Thanks for saving the world!
obfusc8: Eh… I don’t really view Telekinesis as magic, per se. It’s more like a super power. Yea, in dreams this is all semantics, but still.
Anyways… since Koal hasn’t filed a “counter claim” I’ll do so myself. Yet another short lucid dream (from the same kind of style as the rest of them last week ).
False Persistent Character? - Short Lucid Dream
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NLDs: 6
Short LDs: 8
Medium LDs: 3
Long LDs: 3
Task 1:-E Ride in a Flying Vehicle, Pilot the Vehicle | Hold a Traditional Weapon, Use/Fire the Weapon | Ride in a Flying Vehicle (Lucid Bonus) | Explore a Forest or Jungle, & Forest Parkour
Task 2:-E Explore a Castle, Explore Below Ground, & Cast a Spell | Encounter a Mythical Creature | Witness or Get Into a Fight | Transform your Appearance | Ride a Train, Drive a Train
Task 3:-E Fly in/on Something that Shouldn’t, See a Chase / Race, Participate in the Chase, & Escape from Trap/Cell/Restraints
Task 4:-E Play a Prank on a DC | Explore a Bedroom, & Check Under the Bed
Task 5: ~ none ~
Awarded (Non-Traceable) Tasks: Witness a Fight
Side Quest: Super Hero Genre | Science Fiction Genre
Haha really fair from you
Claiming some points for a ND where I encountered some werewolfes and Vampires.
I was also definitely a werewolf at some point of the dream but I don t remember “transforming” into it. (Does it count for changing your appearance + hybrid?)
In a later game I invented another game which was totally lame this time
and in a last ND I dreamt that the LC was over since sunday, that I couldn’t claim my lastpoints and therefore Cornelia wonthe LC (eventhough it was clear that Gengis Khan should have won in my dream as well )
I wish I had at least been Lucid for one of these last tasks…