Lucidity Challenge 61 - Winner: Obfusc8

I donate my key to unlock to you siiw. :cool:

Oops i was wrong, the party was posted before the deadline!, So the only two tasks I did last week were meeting my father and being in a car. That clears it up.

1 ND in DJ
Missing Presumed Dead

Claim pen/pencil. Although I saw the beach can’t really claim a body of water.

Had one ND here this morning which notably featured a mirror in it as per the subtask.

Had 2 NDs here this morning. No tasks completed.

Link to DJ
Medium lucid dream-DILD in which I was in a nature park.

I’ve just noticed that in the dreams where I play music in a band, the musical style and line-up is very much like The Pogues. (I noticed because it’s Christmas again, and Fairytale of New York is on the radio).

My unconscious is trying to make me Kirsty MacColl :smile:

Non-lucid dream in which I am changing planes at an airport in New Zealand. No tasks done, as I didn’t get to see the plane.

I will update the scores tomorrow evening. Unfortunately I had issues … with my two trains … yesterday and … could not sle… slee… sleeep …zzzzzzz…ZZZZ …

PS: Also I m sorry I cannot update the title of the Challenge now, as I cannot edit the first Msg from Gengis Khan. If a moderator wants to do it, that would be nice, otherwise we will change it next week :smile:

Non-lucid dream in which I see a small airplane.

Non-lucid dream in which I am getting breakfast ready and my mother comes downstairs to join me.

I claim the points for the airplane and for a relative.

1 ND [

Waves - Dream has faded, feels like similar theme to recent ones. Only clear memory at the moment is…
I enter a sandy bay. I notice the sea, the tide is coming in.

So claim the body of water sub task.

You can unlock a subtask if you do at least one of the small subtasks in the week before.

I updated the scores but as I m not 100% fit for the program we re using, I updated them all with the timestamp of today (I also thought it was weird as I was putting the months in to the case “Hours” and as the months don t go up to 24: Look like a :ding: but IRL :happy: )

The valid unlock tasks list has been extended !

[spoiler]Objects (see a… - # of pts)
ðŸ“￾ Table - 5
💡 Lamp/bulb - 5
ðŸ“￾ Stapler - 7
ðŸ￾… Medal - 10
🔨 Hammer - 5
ðŸ￾¨ Ice cream - 7

🚢 Ship - 5
🛴 Kick scooter - 7
🚲 Bicycle - 7
📌 Excavator - 10
ðŸ￾￾ï¸￾ Sidecar - 10
🚇 Subway - 5
🚜 Tractor - 7

ðŸ￾œ Insect/Spider - 5
🦋 Butterfly - 5
ðŸ￾Ž Horse - 5
ðŸ￾‘ Sheep/goat - 5
🦅 Eagle - 5
ðŸ￾￾ Snake - 5
ðŸ￾¼ Panda - 7
ðŸ￾Š Crocodile - 7
ðŸ¦￾ Rhinoceros - 7
ðŸ￾… Tiger - 7
ðŸ￾’ Sloth - 7
ðŸ￾˜ Elephant - 7
🦌 Gazelle - 10
ðŸ￾¨ Koala - 10
ðŸ￾” Chicken/Rooster - 5
ðŸ￾– Pig - 5
🦌 Deer/Elk/Moose - 7

👨â€￾🔧 Mechanic - 5
👨â€￾🌾 Gardener - 5
👨â€￾ðŸ￾³ Cook/chef - 5
👩â€￾ðŸ￾³ Waiter - 5
💇 Hairdresser - 7
👨ðŸ￾￾ Beekeeper - 10

ðŸ￾° Castle - 7
ðŸ￾”ï¸￾ Cave - 7
🎡 Theme park/luna park - 7
🌋 Volcano - 10
💧 🔓 Waterfalls - 10
🗼 Paris - 5
🇮🇹 Rome - 5
🗽 New York - 5
🌉 San Francisco - 5
🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro - 5
🇨🇳 Beijing - 5
🇪🇬 Il Cairo - 5
🌉 Bridge - 5
🚗 Garage - 5

See a… - # of pts
🖼ï¸￾ Mirror - 10
🖼ï¸￾ Painting - 7
🖊ï¸￾ Pen/pencil - 7
💧 Waterfalls - 10
💺 Chair/Seat - 5
🇯🇵 Tokyo - 5
🌳 Park/woods/forest - 5
💻 Computer - 5
🌊 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
✈ï¸￾ Airplane - 5
🚗 Car - 5
âš½ Ball - 5
📱 Phone - 5
ðŸ￾º Beer - 5
ðŸ￾• Dog - 5
🦎 Lizard/Gecko - 5
ðŸ￾ˆ Cat - 5
👨â€￾👩â€￾👧â€￾👦 Father/Mother/Sister/Brother - 5
🚆 Train - 5
👨â€￾🚀 Spaceman - 7
ðŸ￾œ Anteater - 10
⛪ Church/temple - 5
🌆 City/town - 5
ðŸ￾¬ Mall - 5
ðŸš￾ Helicopter - 7
👩â€￾🎤 Singer/instrument player - 7

last night I dreamt of my brother and my father. again family theme. oh wait, it can be claimed only once.

Question, do I need to write in my DJ for the points or just claiming in here is OK too? Sorry if I missed that somewhere

I did the family member task and the car task last week. I’m still a bit confused about why I wasn’t on the list of people who had completed tasks. Was it because they were unlocked by someone else? I’d like to clear this up simply so i know what to report next week :cool:

Link to DJ
Non-lucid in which I heard music and interacted with my mother.

One dream last night

I used a phone. It was also full of ice cream, but that hasn’t been unlocked yet.

The day before had three dreams (the last three entries belong to the same dream), and one of them had a country singer from my youth. She was an important part of the dream. I haven’t had time to fully type it up yet, but I’ll do that before Saturday.

DJ entry

1 ND - There’s Somebody at the Door

Oh, I did use my phone in the dream I posted on Monday.

Just 1 ND here this morning. No tasks completed.

Non-lucid dream in which I visit an art gallery in a university building. I’ll claim the points for seeing a painting.