I HAD A FANTASTICALLY LONG DREAM LAST NIGHT! I went to sleep at 11:30 p.m. At around 5:30 a.m. (after 6 hours of sleep) I decided to wake up to the Ode to Joy at the end of Beethoven’s 9th symphony. This is the fantastic part. During its playing I guess a dream began and the events occured that revolved around the music playing (from the comp. located across the room). The dream was almost as long as the piece itself, but alas it came to an end when someone walked into my room (in reality), woke me up and turned the music off.
Anyways, I have decided to make great use of audio to induce an LD since I am now inspired. I have made several recordings (“You are dreaming…”, “Get lucid now, you are dreaming…”) and have found a way to get working headphones from my comp to me in my bed at night. I have an alarm set so they can go off at around the end of 6 hours of sleep. I realize that the voice, triggered, would wake my brain up and I should be able to dream. Then after the initial phrase is said I repeat it so I may realize that I am in a dream. I may also skip the headphones and leave the open stereo speakers on the comp but my family will eventually complain its waking them up…Can anyone offer any extra suggestions?
*I’ve only had one LD so far since reading this site and discovering the potentiality in dreaming. It was the WBTB method without concentrating, at the time, on LDing. TIMES ARE EXCITING!