in my personal opinion, I dont feel that the labels help to refine, in fact I think the idea of good and bad only restricts.
lets pretend that the dream world is nothing more than a place inside your mind, that no matter what happens there, it only happens to you and there is no solid connection to anyone or anything else. Therefore, by being able to experience all sides of human emotion, you are closer to understanding your true self then you would be should you restrict yourself from fear of future repercussions from the actions you take. If balance is important, then one can not be in balance by adding weight to only one side of the scale.
As for left brain right brain, I feel there is a strong misconception in older science that states we only use the left brain for items such as logic and the right brain for creative ideas etc. Recent research (and no so recent research) has demonstrated that when someone has a part of their brain brain removed, lets say on the left, they are still able to talk as the brain is a very plastic therefore other areas around the area that was damage can take over. It is true that some areas appear to have specialist functions - some general articles below to show some base information. … rain-disti nction-myth … utdated-ar gument/
So to answer your question on a more general sense, if you are looking to increase your creativity, and steer away from the logical view point that you currently face in life, then I suggest doing things in the lucid dreams that really push the limits of what you think you can come up with. Paint with your mind an entire landscape , add complexity to your dream characters, really focus on the images, sensations, emotions and complexities that the dream world is offering and attempt to increase their sensations. You can use voice commands to try this as well such as “more creative now!” etc and see what happens. The idea is to let go, retain lucidity but let go of the control, keep your awareness but let the dream flow without your direct control other than to mix up the pot and see what happens. To attempt to become mindful while in the lucid dream, to live in the moment of now, as if to shake the dream up and observe the outcome.
my personal view point, to grow in mind and spirit you must travel through experiences, and if you use the lucid dream as a playing ground to experience these sensations to allow personal growth, then you may have found the best place for it. There is no solid proof at this stage that dreams happen in only our minds or if they are an AP or anything else, the only thing you can do at this stage is to trust yourself and you will find the proof that you are looking for, you will know, and at that point you will also know how far you want to take it in a lucid dream to search out new experiences be it for light or dark, but to me, they are one in the same.