Last night I had my first LD…usually lucidity comes to me as a sudden shock at the end of my dreams, causing me to wake up; this time, however, it occurred to me in a mall to do an RC and I saw a display of numbers change before my eyes. I knew that I was dreaming. I proceeded to attempt to change objects with thoughts, but as I recall…nothing happened. I think I tried to fly, but…nothing happened. I ran into my friends and told them about my lucidity and then…I lost it. I may have not even had full lucidity but “half lucidity”. Let me know if this is possible, please.
You had a Lucid Dream.
Don’t judge your LDs by changing objects, flying, etc. That will come in time. Just hang on to the lucid state for as long as you can. Look around, walk, etc.; forget the magic stuff. As the length of time of your LDs increases you will be able to do more things and find what it is that you have a “talent” for. Not everybody flies.
The fact that it occurred in the middle of the dream rather than the end is a good sign. And I’d forget the ½ lucid thing. It’s not important. Being lucid is!
Well, thanks again for the info…makes me glad to know I’m getting there. Last night, I had another…in the later part of my dream I encountered numerous moments where I questioned my reality. Then, at last, I looked at some text and away…it kept changing when I looked back. I knew that I was indeed dreaming now, and walked along gladly knowing that I was in control. I encountered a dream character, and demanded that she take me to a certain person in my dream world…she changed shape into someone else and told me that i needed to fill out a form. In response, I shouted “you’re a construct of my imagination, and if you don’t do what I say, I can destroy you!” or something ridiculous like that. I imagined the dream character vanishing from my sight, but…sadly, again NOTHING HAPPENED. I woke up from the dream not too long after this, but I must say that lucid dreams are an exciting experience, even though I have yet to experience any of the unique aspects of them (i.e. a sudden spike in awareness and vividity of colors).