lucidity rant....

Ok before I start I just want to say this is a rant I found written down from around 1996 long before I knew much about Lucid dreaming (or even had a PC for that matter) - In all likely-hood i stumbled across it while looking for Astral Projection/Remote Viewing tips. Either way I thought I would share it with you all. I should warn it is a little disorganised since i just write down what comes to my mind in the order I get it. - Also I appologise for the spelling errors, I just copied this out and didn’t spell check.

[i]How aware are we of our dreams? When we become aware we are dreaming it is called Lucid dreaming. it is believed by some that our “concious mind” sleeps and once we recognise a dream we awaken it. However I do not believe this is quite how it works. I believe our consious mind is always active and monitoring us through sleep, but in a mildly dormant stage.
This suggest the ability to train our subconsious to recognise when we are dreaming and make us lucid at will. but if the consious mind is always aware, do we as non-lucid dreamers not realise we are dreaming automatically?
Many times i have woken up only to slip back into sleep and my mind yell at me that i am late, forcing me to waking up or even had my mind scream in my head, “you’re asleep wake up”. This suggests that the consiousmind is fully aware and knows what is dream and what is real even if we the dreamer do not.

Why then does our consiousmind not tell us everytime? While it maybe possible to triger lucidity by learning to recognise dream signs, would it not be easier to train our consious mind to tell us we are dreaming, since the mind, in some part, always seems to know this would be much more reliable than dream signs and reality checks. I suppose the real question is can we train our consiousmind to tell us automatically without having to rely on our subconcious to recognise signs of dreams.[/i]

I agree with the fact that our consciousness is awake when we have a normal dream. If it wasn’t, we couldn’t remember anything. But it is not awake in the same way than during waking time… or it’s not the same consciousness. :confused:

But I disagree with the fact that the consciousness knows we are dreaming. In our normal dreams, we are sure that we experience reality. If it wasn’t so, all our dreams would be lucid. And remember all the difficulties we can have, once lucid, to convince ourselves that we are dreaming. Sometimes, even knowing we are dreaming, we are quite convinced that the background is real, as I have experienced a lot of times in my OBEs.