I’ve been wondering what the ideal background sound/music/dialogue would be for introducing lucidity.
Presumably there would have to be a lot of addressing the dreamer by name… and frequent reminders that he is dreaming…
Something like this perhaps?
“William, you are dreaming. This is a dream. Look around you. Everything is strange. This is not real. WILLIAM! You are dreaming! This is all just a dream! Think! Realise! WILLIAM! It’s just a dream… think… and you will become lucid. In a lucid dream you become conscious. Wake up! Be conscious!”…etc
Would one of the binaural things from brain wave generator help or what?
This may not help on the lucid question but I found that “voice only” dialouge is more easier to incorporate into dreams. I know this because my girlfriend loves to blast the tv while sleeping. She is a big Westerns channel fan. It makes for some pretty wild (wild west) dreams. Any one remeber Don Lapre the making money guy? Well I was lucky enough to have one of his infomercials incorporated into my sleep one night. And I was dreaming that I was talking to him and he was trying to sell my his package. He was telling me how wonderful it was that I could get rich and quit my job. An experince I do not care to repeat.
If you do this, make sure you don’t get some random music file thats a part of a set. I tried that once and woke up 5 times in one night without remembering any of my dreams.