mac widget counting days since last lucid dream

I’ve been having lucid dreams with good ease and regularity lately. I suspect I won’t be having anymore 4 month dry spells. And I believe it is because of a “Mac OSx” “Dashboard” “Widget” called “Countdown Calendar” which I have been keeping on my “Macintosh” “desktop” permanently using a program called “Amnesty”. Instead of counting down the days until an important event, I am using it to keep-count of the number of “days since last lucid dream”. In sight, In mind, as the saying goes. Or like the title of one of my lucid dream paintings, it’s like “Elephant Stacking Reaching The Usual Limit”. I’m hoping the effect is permanent and not just placebo.

I downloaded the widget from this address. “Mac” only.

Do you know why you had 4 month dry* spell? :bored:

I don’t know.