Ever since I joined this site a couple of days ago I’ve had dreams almost everyday and I remember most of them.
I had a dream this night where I was walking around my neighbourhood while just looking around at people. THEN I realized it was a dream. This wasn’t my first lucid experience but it was the first time I used tips from this site and I was very impressed by it. When I realized that I was lucid I immediatley looked at my hands and everything became much clearer in the dream!
I made an attempt to fly using my own Super Mario 64 method but I failed.
Now the annoying part.
In the dream, I can hear my sister calling me, thinking that she was calling me in real life and going to wake me up. Therefore I thought I had been awakened by her vioce but instead I had a FA.
This happened in another dream a couple of days ago and I find it annoying that I wake up because I think she is calling me in real life.
My question is: How can I avoid being fooled by these calls? Because I thought they were real and my lucidity disappeared.