i had a dream recently that my dad was teaching me some spells, one made me invisable, one slowed down time, and some others. the slow down time one i forgot the spell half way throught the dream but it started, time slow something something.

i think i might have found a more precise pronunciation, but whatever works for you is what you should go with, the one i found is,
brih-zin-ger<-thats like GERRRRRRRRRR(idk im REALLY tired at the moment)
(same thing^)
anyways, (this is the next day) im adding something that i found would be really cool, and since having O.B.E.'s is easier for me, im going to try this out around 4:30 tonight,if you like swordfighting, or if you’ve tried spells and want to test it out on another person, but cant practice crap in RL becouse you dont have a sword(and apperently not magic! :mrgreen: ) then you can practice in a dream!, all you have to do is practice making DC’s and then create a practice dummy that moves, or whatever you want,think XBOX! whatever you want can happen, so make something in RL, or in games! like from doom, make the grey bull with no head, but still tries to kill you thing,or maybe an angel that you fight with swords, something to let you practice with magic, or swords, or both! whatever you want, and you could make a practice arena to, that could re-appear whenever you want it to, idk anything can happen, so why not try it out!

points wand at hotrootsoup
avada kedavra!

Yes I have - it was a bit spooky> I was sitting on a mattress which lay on the floor. I touched some sort of electrical wire, got a bit of a shock, lay down, Suddenly it was getting pretty cold and I was crossing my arms in front of my chest - it was like I could feel my heart stop beating. The experience was indeed strange and when I woke up I was wondering whether I might die through an electrical shock in real life :tongue: .

Oh - my favourite spells are: Avada Kedavra, Wingardium Leviosah and Expecto patronum.


great idea to try transformation! Although I’d probably have to meet Hermionie first and ask her to make me some :tongue:

Thanks mattias :happy: though it was long ago I drank polyjuice potion.

About magic, Ive had some HP-dreams and used wand and it works pretty well :biggrin: actually Ive thrown the lethal Avada Kedavra curse :razz:

REally, did avada kadavra hit its target?

I personaly prefer just thinking “_______ will happen” or something like that, although potions can be quite useful.

I was thinking something like Virtual dreaming

When I use magic I don’t use a wand or say spells or anything like that I just will it to happen and it almost always does.

Yes :razz: Ive killed several people with that curse, although its not effective against groups :meh:

Well my main power For attack is Green Lightning which usually has to be stored in my body using a certain king of Hand Dance and then i thrust my arm forward and it travels down my arm and to the target,the faster i throw my arm forward the more powerful the attack

I have learned how to transform, in an ND. I actually took a class, and I turned into this teapot(like Mrs. Potts, from Beauty and the Beast), on a purple book, on a tall rolling teatray kind of table, with a boiler in it. It was awesome!

Someone else had the same dream as I did and thought I was gay! :tongue: I’m not gay, though.