make an EEG

this may sound ridiculous but is there anywayof making some form of EEG monitor, using a computer maybe?

I’d keep an eye on this site (still under construction):
I didn’t find anything else worth mentioning…

why not check out scrapyards and places like that. They may have old ones that you might be able to get working.

Hell have you tried ebay? There’s pleanty of related stuff there. While complete equiptment will cost you an arm and a leg and half your house,
EEG Machine

you maybe able to find bit parts and put them together yourself at a much cheaper price. But ebay has EEG stuff quite cheap, although if there’s anything in your price range you might want to email the seller first and ask them if there’s anything else you’d need etc.

While building one with your computer may seem like a good idea it would probably turn out more expensive as the connecting sockets for the parts that attach to you would have to be totally built into it.

Trying to get Second hand EEG equiptment will probably be your best bet and work out cheaper.

yeah, that site is cool, thanks!

and i tried ebay but they are very expensive, i will try for parts has some cheap stuff, i don’t know how decent they are though (don’t know much about eeg)…

are there any safety issues one should consider, either when you try and make an eeg or buy one off e-bay or the link i just posted ?

there is a developping market for these types of products (this, the nova dreamer, etc) and since they don’t seem to be that expensive to build i’m really hoping one day we’ll have the possibility of buying these tools for WAY cheaper… till then, i’ll just look around and ask about security issues…
this is the most bargain eeg, brain wave audio feedback
also is interesting the emg to relax the frontalis.