I tried it early this morning, after waking at 5am, but it didn’t work, because I didn’t go back to sleep in time, and then when the voice spoke I was still awake.
I think this is a major problem with a technique like this, because I can’t get to sleep properely if I’m waiting for a voice to speak to me. Even if I really try to relax, it’s like my subconcious knows what’s going to happen so it stays awake to hear it.
I’ve had enough of this. Also, I’ve had enough of trying WILD, because with that, I either fall asleep or I stay awake, I just can’t seam to fall asleep whilst staying awake.
I’m starting to think that maybe my other WILD was almost pure luck somehow.
Anyway, I’ve given this CD technique and WILD a good try, but now I think it’s time to move on and try something else.
Now I have a completely different idea for a technique. I’m not going to say what it is yet. This time, I’m not going to say anything unless it actually works. And besides, because it’s not a definate technique yet, just some ideas of other things I can try instead.
It still involves waking up early (because I think that is the best time to have LDs), it just involves then doing something that’s completely different to listening to a CD or attempting WILD. If it works, it will be my own hybrid technique, based on odd bits from a few existing techniques I have read since I’ve been trying to LD.
But anyway, I’ll say more once I have tried it.
If anybody else wants to try this CD technique, don’t be put off by the fact that I’ve decided not to do it, try it for yourself if you want to. Different things work for different people. I’m just on my own personal quest for what works for me…
