I’ve started a questionnaire on dreaming and lucid dreaming. As well as (theoretically) being useful for finding out stuff about people, it would also suggest techniques which might be good for people.
The code of this as well as the data we collect will be made public. (People will be able to choose whether it should keep their data or not.)
What I’m looking for is basic statements. It will ask “To what extent do you agree with this statement?” and people would answer with one of five levels, from “Not at all” to “Very much”.
Of course, with these statements I have to know what techniques each would favour or disfavour. For example:
“I have a regular sleep cycle.”
Agree: +CAT Disagree: -CAT
If people agree, it gives points towards CAT; otherwise, it removes points from CAT.
“I would prefer having lucid dreams without doing anything during the day.”
Agree: +WILD -RCs -LL Disagree: +RCs +LL
If people agree… well, I think you probably got the idea.
(CAT is the Cycle Adjustment Technique: see the Lucidity Institute forum or the wikibooks appendix. LL is Lucid Living: see the forum sticky.)
Please just add any comments to this topic. Contributing some of those statements would be nice too.
I’ll be doing the programming. Technodreamer might also help.
Added sealife.
That question is just there to decide whether to call them RCs or RTs in the rest of the questionnaire. A “neither” option makes no sense.
I have not seen or read any evidence that memory actually has anything to do with MILD success.
I’ll add “I am willing to put in a lot of effort” and “I am willing to wake up in the night” and “I have trouble getting to sleep”.
-Are you very gullible or suggestible ? (suggestions methods)
-Do you have a good dream recall ? (MILD)
-Are you disciplined ? (RC’s, DJ)
-Have you visualization skills/photographic memory ?(VILD)
-Have you had sometimes natural LD’s ? (DILD)
-Do you often wake up in the middle of the night ? (WBTB)
Hmmm… I wonder what could give somebody WILD skills ?
-Are you subject to SP ? (WILD)
-Can you change the colours of phosphenes ?
-Do you often see strange images eyes closed when going to sleep ?
The best would be to create a list with different techniques, and everybody gives his opinion about behaviors and personnality characteristics it implies.
This is partly for people who don’t know anything about the techniques. I don’t understand what would actually be asked and how it would help come up with a choice. Do you mean people comment on techniques like “Boring ↔ Interesting”?
Id avoid question like “are you good…?”
People might not know it and guess.Instead you can give an option…like mentioned before “how long after you close your eyes do you start to see anything but blackness?”
or “if you close your eyes and think of a blank page- how long can u hold this picture in your mind?”
or “do u often wake up at night”
or “do you sometimes feel paralised/unable to move after waking up?”
or “do you daydream often?”
or- do you have any artistic skills(drawing,painting,poetry)? those pople tend to have better visualization skills
so on so on…the less is left to guess for the person the better.
You mean that instead of making people judge how good they are at it relative to other people (since they might not know), they should try something out and put in an actual number?
People who tend to feel sleep paralisis or daydream often are those who choose Wild.SP is a gate to ld or obe and daydreaming points on better visualization than people who dont do it.
If you have those two question marked “no” then obviously Mild will be better choice.Of course its just a simple,short example…but with more specific questions you have a good portrait.
Everybody has a reguler dream cycle. It (first statement) is asking about the sleep cycle - whether you fall asleep and wake up at roughly the same time every day.
Sorry, I must have expressed my idea on a confuse way.
On this thread, we make a list of the techniques we would advice.
Everybody on this thread says : I think that, in order to MILD, you must have : good prospective memory, good dream recall, be disciplined cause you have to keep a DJ, accept to practise WBTB. In order to VILD, you must have visualizations skills, etc.
So we can know what characterisics you need to put on your web page.