Making Progress?

Hi, my name’s Blake. I joined the forums a while back but lost my information due to extenuating circumstances. Anyway, I have finally gotten a chance to read a little bit of Stephen LaBerge’s book, “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.” Only about 80 odd pages in though. For the past two nights I have been trying some of the methods, including the suneye method which I read about last night.
I’ve always had decent recall, being able to remember one dream a night. However, the last two nights when I practiced techniques I had two and three dreams that I remembered. About a week and a half ago I had a lucid dream without using any techniques. Does the increased dream recall mean I am getting closer? Thanks for any input you can give me.

This is an excellent question which I’m sure has been pondered by many others. Good dream recall is a stepping stone to Lucid Dreaming, according to many of the past posts I have read. But, can a person have excellent dream recall, night after night after night, and never have an LD? Some have said the key to awareness of dreaming, are reality checks, but there is no guarantee . I am anxious to read the replies from experienced LD’ers such as Jeff and others. :content:

Yes, I have not practiced reality checks as often as I should have. Barely at all. I keep deluding myself that once I finish the book I will really devote more time to it. My dreams as of late are getting more and more fantastic (I’ll be at an acquaintence’s house and then be in outer space the next minute), so I guess this really is what I need to do to achieve lucidity more often, but more feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Dream recall is important but there’s more to it than that unless you’re a natural. I had eggcellent dream recall for 3 months straight with not a single LD. After that I started getting lazy, and unmotivated and my recall slid to <1 a night. I recently found new dedication and its going back up.

Well that rambled on. I’ll summarize:
Dream recall won’t make you lucid but its an eggcellent stepping stone to get there. Pick a tech and use it for a while (1-2 months) if nothing try again.

And don’t be too discouraged not every tech works for everyone :blush:

Thats right.Just recall wont do.But you need to remember that the better recall you have the more chances are there to notice your dream sign(stuff thats reoccuring in your dreams).Once you know what you dream most about its much easier to associate it.
Lets say your dream sign is riding a bus.Once you realize that you often dream about the bus you can explain it to yourself “im dreaming about buses very often,now i now that every time im somwhere near the bus i might be dreaming,reality check needed in those situation”.
thats how good recall helps in lds.
hope you got what i mean
good luck:)