Malicious DCs and Failing RCs

Well, I haven’t had a lucid dream since, but I’ve already broken my record for most LDs in a month (TWO!!), so I’m pretty happy. Besides, It is only the eighteenth.

I really like all the ideas concerning what I should do to those scheming DCs. This is a BIG HELP by the way, seeing as these forums are a big influence upon what I decide to do in an LD. I’m thinking maybe I should make my DCs sink halfway into the ground so they’re trapped. Then I’ll give them an anaconda to play with. Don’t worry. When they’re being eaten I’ll tell them it is a dream.

Then I’ll whip out an M4A1 colt… (ten hours later)… and when I run out of needles… (a few days afterwards)… followed by a kick to… (next month)… after I run them through a gauntlet with crazed cannibals who haven’t eaten in days.

The only thing I have to fear is retaliation, seeing as my subconscious hates me. I think though that practice with LDs will help me in that respect (mwa ha ha :devil: ).

Sorry I can’t be more help I only had one time where a DC messed up my LD. The DC flat out told me that I was not dreaming. I almost believed the DC and I had to do a RC to reassure my self. Once I knew I was dreaming again the DC soon realized that was a BIG mistake.

The only other thing I can suggest is to develop a few more reliable RC ‘s. Don’t rely on just one.

Good Luck and Happy Dreaming

I bet those miserable DCs are sorry now. They’re going to think twice before even daring to impede my progress after what I did to them last night!

I had an LD last night where I became lucid IN A PRISON CELL! Yes, that’s right. I entered lucidity trapped.

First off, there were two DCs in the cell with me. I told them to tell me when I was dreaming in the future, and I zapped them out.

Then it was payback time.

The door to the cell was locked, so I walked through the door. Three DCs decided to try and restrain me, so I whipped out a pistol and blew off their heads. I’m not normally violent, but it seemed like such a good idea at the time. Hopefully they’ll “think” twice before pulling anything else. Heh heh. I know that they aren’t real, but it is still nice to exact a little bit of vengeance.

Glad to hear about your LD 's are back. :partying_face:

Yes, it is sometimes nice to exact a little LD vengeance. :devil:

I’ve only experienced about 1 proper speaking DC (I’ve only had 1 LD after all). It was quite basic, I asked her for sex and I got it.:smile:

Maybe your DCs are like this cause you’ve treated them badly? Or maybe you’re not entirely convinced that you’re in control? You HAVE to be.

PLACEBO you guys should talk to your DCs, ask them to stop being violent to you,a nd tell them you won’t be randomly violent to them, make a truce… and then, tell them you don’t appreciate it when they try to disrupt your lucidity, and that you ARE a lucid dreamer, so they need to get used to it, and they need to schedule you hour long high recall LDs once per night, or once per week, or whatever…

and you know, expect them to accept.

it’ll work.

it really will work though, it’s like self hypnosis in a way I think, unless the DCs aren’t part of you, then you might be screwed.

I told those witches in that dream world dream (i have a thread about it in beyond dreaming) to come get me and take me back to that place and they haven’t yet, maybe they will tonight. (saying that to hopefully make it true)

holy reality wrote:

You might be right about this. I once banished a DC and that DC never returned again. I think I must have sent my subconscious a strong message that I did not want that person to return ever. It worked. So I would say yes, that you could send a message to your subconscious by talking to your dream characters.