Grr… I’ve hit a bit of a speedbump on the lucidity highway. Two things:
My DCs are getting more and more malicious towards my LDing endeavors. Previously in my LDs, they just did things that made me forget I was lucid, like go somewhere or do a job. In my most recent one, however, I was flying, and a DC with a gun was looking for “the weirdo who was flying around.” I lied to him and said I didn’t know who he was, and got out of there fast.
My reliable hand RC has failed me. I was robbed of an LD last night when my hand RC turned up nothing, and I didn’t do a second RC to back it up.
Any hints? Advice? Cries of sympathy? Beratement? I could use anything at this point.
You’re lucky to know what the problem is, in my opinion. We all hit dry spells every now and then.
Choose a backup RC and perhaps try to take a more overall approach - instead of using RCs, try to step back and think about the world you are in as a whole. Is it a dream?
If you haven’t stopped reading by now to do an RC or something, you are a lost case.
When ever you do a RC and determin that you are awake I suggest doing at least one or two more RC’s and see what happens. The trouble with RC is that sometimes they only work if you expect them to.
Yes dry spells are no fun at all but they do pass. You could try and use a different induction technique and see what happens. If that does not work than go back to your old technique.
LOL, its not real. If I were you I would equip an uzi and kick his ass. And dont worry about getting shot, remember that you god of your dreams. Dont foget to urinate on that DC, and tell him, that ErikW thinks hes a faggot little bitch! (Im serous, I wanna hear what he says lol!).
Heres rule #1: Have no fear cause your friggin invinsible!
You should try some other weapons:
-Malitof cocktail
-Parylis spell
-Death spell
-Rocket launcer
-etc. you get the idea!
I had a dream that was normal where I was getting nedles stuck in my neck like 20 times over. Heres, whats odd, is that I felt no pain! So, in my dreams, I now have no fear of neddles.
buy a glow in the dark non-digital watch!
Then triple check it.
I have a non-digital watch and one time it gave me a digital read out… um lol! Non-digital watches are good cause they sometimes spin all crazy! And you simply have to triple check them. I also count my fingers.
Heres one problem you should understand: That when I look at my watch then look back way WAY to quick, the time does not change. So, on the triple chceck, the time woluld change.
Actually, its my dream to become notorius in my dreams lol!, I want them to hate me! Bow down to me you stupid dream characters! I own you!
Okay, i’m done. Obviously you’ve gotten too confident or something, and you’ve been forgetting to believe you can dream lucidly. Either that, or your subconcious is working against you. (which I highly doubt, as I always thought the subconcious was emotion-less)
Try this, if you are afraid of feeling pain by a bullet. Then, when every dream starts conjure up some Codien or pain killers, or even Cocaine (its a pain killer).
Then, take the drugs in your dreams… Now, you could get shot 100 times and not even feel one thing!
I have gotten shot before in a dream. It was like a year ago durring a pretty long LD, I was in an alley and all of a sudden 5 men in suits appeared, one of them told me I had to pay for what I had done ( I still wonder what the hell i did lol) so I started to run away from them, I was running so fast that I thought I had lost them, but than a one of them appeared in front and pointed his gun at me, at exactly that time, I thought “am I dreaming?” and I looked at my watch and it said 88:88 lol and just to make sure I tried to traspass the wall next to me with my finger and i did, so while I was all happy, he shot me, and the bullet went through my chest. it was a weird feeling… very hard to explain, my chest got kinda stiff and i couldnt move, than I saw that I didnt have a wound, I just had a hole were the bullet went in. no blood or anything. so since by that time I already knew I was dreaming I just made a riffle appear in my hands and shot them, than I transported myself to another place.
I’ve spent an entire dream doing almost nothing but taking RC’s. Why? Becuase it was a boring dream. And in RL when I have nothing better to do, I just end up taking RC’s every few seconds .
The annoying thing though - every single RC failed ><.
No, I suspect that this shows that DCs act how you expect them to act. After reading this thread, it may seem odd that some people’s DCs actually understand lucidity!
Well, last night my DC’s were acting normal (they believed me that it was a dream). But then I thought about this thread and then they started trying to convince me it was real life…
Stupid thread…
Still, they failed (I think - I can barely remember the dream…)
You might wanna try working with computers (NO INTELLIGENT ROBOTS) for a while… maby find some info in your subconcious on why DCs will try to disprove your lucidity
I had about 6 lucid dreams or so +/- 1 or so, not sure…
but, in two of them, some of the dream characters would just start to hit me and stuff. the first time, I just tossed the DC out a window, and the other time I told the DC to stop because this is nothing more than a dream… lol then I took a potted plant and telekenesed it up and threw it against the wall with GREAT force hehe… that DC was like huh? wtf!