I was falling asleep last night and I was in the state right before you actually fall asleep where you are kind of like day dreaming. I didn’t know it though because I was in my little fantasy world. All of the sudden I became aware and then I started to wild. I started to feel like I was being sucked in by some kind of vortex. It felt like energy was rushing all around me and pulling on me and I heard a loud roaring sound. I was like ‘All right I am WILDing, I’m gonna be lucid!’. I then started to see what was around me and I was standing in my room and it was a dark grey color and I was still feeling the ‘vortex’. I think the feeling became too much for me because I woke up, most likey because I both wanted to get out of that ‘vortex’ and it woke me up itself. I wish I stayed asleep longer because I have never successfuly stayed asleep while WILDing. Every time I do it seems like the feeling is to much for me and I wake up. Oh, and it seems like the WILDs are never really intentional. I became aware in the process of myself WILDing. My LDs usually just happen by themselves.
So does anyone got any tips for overcoming these strong sensations and to say asleep? I can’t use any of the LD enhancing methods (like looking at your hands) because I am not in that stage yet. It seems like the sensation of it is so strong it wakes me up again.