Man+woman=merely friends?..

I’ve just read all the pages on the ladder theory and I’m fuming :grrr:
I feel like kicking the author into the Abyss! :ebil:

I found there is something statistically right in the pie charts (of course, it’s expressed in a funny and caricatured way). But the ladder theory is not funny at all, and it’s a sophism.

The pie charts are based upon sex attraction. That is, what makes somebody sexually attractive to the other gender.

But if I meet an old woman, whose discussion I find very interesting, for instance an artist, a writer, a psychologist, an experienced lucid dreamer, I won’t consider her appearance nor if she could be in my bed quickly! :lol:

Once they made the confusion between interest and sex appeal, they base their ladder theory upon this confusion. And conclude all is based upon sex. It’s a false syllogism.

Anyway, beauty for the women and wealth and power for men are essentially, IMO, means to get sex relations. Just have a look to actresses when they want to look attractive, and when they don’t want to. They just have to be bad dressed, dishevelled, not made-up and they look ugly.

So if a girl finds herself attractive and has a lot of male “friends”, she should first wonder why she has a very short skirt, red make-up on her lips, and why she moves her back curiously before complaining that all her friends want to have sex with her. :grin:

I believe that a man and a woman can be friends without sex-thoughts.The only problem is i don’t know if the female-friends i have have the same opinion.I had discussed it with one of them but i didn’t understand if she was trying to tell me that she liked me or just …i just don’t know.
What i’m saying is that I believe that a man and a woman can be friends without sex-thoughts but i ain’t a woman to know what do they think of me.It’s true that sometimes when you have for a woman sexual thoughts she might be a pretty good friend and then you can just forget the thoughts that you made…To the ones that understand please make a post that explains it better.I have a pretty good female friend that way,and i’m no longer think of her sexually.

That ladder thing was :eh: :eh: :eh:

Like Basilus it had it’s upsides and like Moogle, I wanted to slap the author.

I still think that guys and girls can be friends. I think age plays a huge role in this as does maturity.

But with all the guy friends that I have. When we get comfortable and talk about whatever, it appears that some of them have/had the same views as the ladder (to some extent)

This is a hard topic. I can only remark by experience. I have guy friends and only one has openly expressed his desire to sleep with me. I laugh, say no and we keep talking about things. We’ve been close friends for about 5 years now.

I think the better question here for another topic would be. Can guys and girls be friends after they’ve had sex?

Yes, a male and female can both be just friends with no desire for anything more.

The theory that all men and women want to secretly have sex with eachother is silly and has been proven false.